Tri Rizqiaty's activity
From 01/20/2024 to 02/18/2024
- 04:03 PM KJL Bug #2562 (QA Test): Error Save Production Order
- 04:03 PM KJL Bug #2562 (Developing): Error Save Production Order
- Fixing :
Tolong setiap membuat table, tipe data setiap field harus sama antara di table fisik & di SDATATABLEFIELD... - 04:00 PM KJL Feature #2552 (QA Test): Sales Order dan Good Issue Partial
- 03:59 PM KJL Feature #2552 (Developing): Sales Order dan Good Issue Partial
- 03:59 PM KJL Feature #2553 (QA Test): Purchase Order dan Good Receipt Partial
- 03:59 PM KJL Feature #2553 (Developing): Purchase Order dan Good Receipt Partial
- 03:58 PM RSGP Feature #2415 (QA Test): [HR] TM to Payroll Kehadiran (Income & Deduction)
- !clipboard-202401301558-0irso.png!
Tidak bisa execute karena settingan diatas, tolong diperbaiki, setelah tolong d... - 03:58 PM RSGP Feature #2448 (QA Test): [HR] TM to Payroll Potongan Cuti beserta kondisinya
- 03:58 PM RSGP Feature #2509 (QA Test): TM to Payroll untuk Dokter
- Haykal, tolong ditest ya
- 03:57 PM RSGP Feature #2525 (QA Test): [TM TO PY] Tunjangan untuk Non Shift
- Haykal, tolong ditest ya
- 11:15 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #2523 (QA Test): perbaikan pada tm to payroll dimana pada kolom nx deduction tampilan nya kosong
- 11:14 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #2523 (Developing): perbaikan pada tm to payroll dimana pada kolom nx deduction tampilan nya kosong
- Fixing :
1. Update table base_cust_parameter sesuai file terlampir
2. update folder ExtensionsLibraries sesuai fi...
- 02:52 PM RSGP Bug #2447: [HR-Time Management] Job service generate kuota cuti 1 tahun
- Jo, karena quotatypenya ada banyak, bisa tolong dijelasin tipe employee apa yg dpt quota2 tsb, terimakasih.
Misal ...
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