



From 12/01/2023 to 12/30/2023


04:32 PM IMFI Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2462 (Closed): [ESS-CUTI] karyawan mengajukan di tanggal 2 januari 2024 tetapi ada validasi error tidak boleh mengajukan cuti)
[ESS-CUTI] karyawan mengajukan di tanggal 2 januari 2024 tetapi ada validasi error tidak boleh mengajukan cuti M Azid Wahyudi


10:04 AM IMFI Bugs 2.00 hours (Feature #2457 (Closed): hilangkan validasi database is lock due payroll maintenance pada saat atasan ds1 submit ess cuti karyawan nya)
hilangkan validasi database is lock due payroll maintenance pada saat atasan ds1 submit ess cuti karyawan nya M Azid Wahyudi
10:02 AM RSGP 2.00 hours (Bug #2458 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Button Create)
[ESS-Leave] Button Create M Azid Wahyudi
10:00 AM RSGP 8.00 hours (Bug #2444 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Validasi urutan pemotongan quota cuti)
[ESS-Leave] Validasi urutan pemotongan quota cuti M Azid Wahyudi


01:48 PM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2453 (Closed): [Employee-Report] Pengalaman Kerja)
shofwan shiddiq
11:28 AM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2452 (Closed): [ESS-ePayslip] Report error)
shofwan shiddiq
10:00 AM HINO Bugs 12.00 hours (Project: HINO Bugs)
support payroll hino dan perhitungan perhitungan yang selisih pada TM to payroll , meal overtime, meal allowance Muhammad Bintar


04:54 PM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2443 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Remaining qouta yang dipost tidak sesuai )
[ESS-Leave] Remaining qouta yang dipost tidak sesuai M Azid Wahyudi
04:51 PM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2442 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Validasi kolom comment)
[ESS-Leave] Validasi kolom comment M Azid Wahyudi
03:43 PM HINO Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2438 (Closed): [HR_Benefit Medical]generate medical plafond massal belum berfungsi)
shofwan shiddiq
11:06 AM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2441 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Hide button Draft)
[ESS-Leave] Hide button Draft M Azid Wahyudi
10:00 AM RSGP 2.00 hours (Bug #2433 (Closed): [My workplace] Delete request ID)
[My workplace] Delete request ID M Azid Wahyudi


03:22 PM RSGP 1.00 hour (Bug #2427 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Condition)
[ESS-Leave] Condition M Azid Wahyudi
03:09 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 1.00 hour (Project: Asuransi Bintang - Existing)
tidak bisa export master data rewards Muhammad Bintar
02:53 PM HINO Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #2437 (Closed): [Organization-report] Report organization chart)
[Organization-report] Report organization chart M Azid Wahyudi
02:48 PM RSGP 5.00 hours (Bug #2434 (Closed): [My Workplace - Inbox] Tidak membuka request ID)
[My Workplace - Inbox] Tidak membuka request ID M Azid Wahyudi
02:22 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2431 (Closed): [HR-Applicant Master Data]lookup search applicant master data tidak menampilkan list nya)
shofwan shiddiq
02:21 PM RSGP 2.00 hours (Bug #2433 (Closed): [My workplace] Delete request ID)
shofwan shiddiq
11:43 AM RSGP 2.00 hours (Feature #2430 (QA Test): Pembuatan Report Bank Transfer BCA)
shofwan shiddiq


04:42 PM KJL BUGS 2.00 hours (Bug #2411 (QA Test): [HR-TIMEDATA]permintaan job query untuk merapikan attendance yang lintas hari)
[HR-TIMEDATA]permintaan job query untuk merapikan attendance yang lintas hari M Azid Wahyudi
04:39 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2363 (QA Test): [ESS-Leave Mobile] Employee mengajukan ess leave lalu di approve oleh atasan ds1, selanjut nya masuk ke atasan ke 2 tapi di mobile bisa di submit, namun flow nya tidak lanjut atau tidak finish)
[ESS-Leave Mobile] Employee mengajukan ess leave lalu di approve oleh atasan ds1, selanjut nya masuk ke atasan ke 2 t... M Azid Wahyudi
02:07 PM HINO Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2312 (Closed): [HR-ABSENCE QUOTA]generate quota cuti otomatis tidak menginsert data absence quota ke employee 00000531 yang sudah 1 tahun masa kerja)
[HR-ABSENCE QUOTA]generate quota cuti otomatis tidak menginsert data absence quota ke employee 00000531 yang sudah 1 ... M Azid Wahyudi


02:09 PM RSGP 1.00 hour (Feature #2421 (Closed): Report Rekap Data Kehadiran dan Jadwal Karyawan)
shofwan shiddiq
11:11 AM RSGP 2.00 hours (Bug #2425 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Validasi absen type Izin )
shofwan shiddiq
11:09 AM RSGP 4.00 hours (Bug #2426 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Approval kepala bagian)
shofwan shiddiq
11:08 AM RSGP 2.00 hours (Bug #2424 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Validasi quota deduction dengan type N)
shofwan shiddiq
11:07 AM RSGP 3.00 hours (Bug #2423 (Closed): [ESS-Leave] Validasi pengajuan cuti lebih dari 3 hari)
shofwan shiddiq


02:19 PM RSGP 2.00 hours (Feature #2421 (Closed): Report Rekap Data Kehadiran dan Jadwal Karyawan)
shofwan shiddiq


05:04 PM PT BIA 2.00 hours (Bug #2418 (QA Test): Time Management - Import Attendance)
shofwan shiddiq

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