


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 10/29/2023 to 11/27/2023


12:09 PM HINO Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #2417 (Closed): [HR-REPORT PAYSLIP LANDSCAPE] report tidak keluar jika employee resign di bulan 08 tetapi kalau di report payslip keluar datanya)
shofwan shiddiq
12:09 PM HINO Bugs Bug #2417: [HR-REPORT PAYSLIP LANDSCAPE] report tidak keluar jika employee resign di bulan 08 tetapi kalau di report payslip keluar datanya
Dear Mas Bintar, Report Payslip landscape sudah muncul employee resign.. Silahk...
shofwan shiddiq


10:46 AM KJL BUGS Bug #2411: [HR-TIMEDATA]permintaan job query untuk merapikan attendance yang lintas hari
sebelum di execute jangan lupa di backup dulu ya masbin shofwan shiddiq
10:45 AM KJL BUGS Bug #2411: [HR-TIMEDATA]permintaan job query untuk merapikan attendance yang lintas hari
update PHRPA0019 set EndDate=StartDate where StartDate !=EndDate and AttendanceType in (select distinct AttendanceTyp... shofwan shiddiq
10:45 AM KJL BUGS 1.00 hour (Bug #2411 (QA Test): [HR-TIMEDATA]permintaan job query untuk merapikan attendance yang lintas hari)
shofwan shiddiq


10:32 AM BANK KALTENG Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2291 (Closed): [ESS-Leave Mobile]Pengajuan cuti besar tidak bisa submit karena ada validasi minimal pengajuan nya sampai akhir bulan.)
shofwan shiddiq
10:32 AM BANK KALTENG Bugs Bug #2291: [ESS-Leave Mobile]Pengajuan cuti besar tidak bisa submit karena ada validasi minimal pengajuan nya sampai akhir bulan.
Dear Masbin, validasi nya sudah saya takeout. mohon di testing kembali ya. shofwan shiddiq


02:03 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2404: [ESS-Payslip] Report error
Dear Jo, Report Payslip sudah berjalan. silahkan di testing. Terima kasih. shofwan shiddiq
02:03 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Bug #2404 (Closed): [ESS-Payslip] Report error)
shofwan shiddiq


10:19 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2398: [Organization-report] Report organization chart
Dear Jo, setelah di cek di database PHROM0002, Untuk Posisi Staff Unit Benefit ( Object ID=10000084 ) dan Staff Unit ... shofwan shiddiq
10:19 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Bug #2398 (Closed): [Organization-report] Report organization chart)
shofwan shiddiq


11:59 AM KJL Feature #2394: Menu Copy Doc di Logistic
Dear Bang Indra, Untuk menu Copy Document sudah di Menu Sales, Purchase, dan Inventory..
Mohon di Testing terlebi...
shofwan shiddiq
11:59 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Feature #2394 (Closed): Menu Copy Doc di Logistic)
shofwan shiddiq
10:53 AM IMFI Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #2396 (Closed): [HR-Report Employee]Report All Employee ada yang kosong data nya di Expired Date)
shofwan shiddiq

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