shofwan shiddiq's activity
From 06/03/2023 to 07/02/2023
- 02:45 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #2269 (QA Test): [Logistic & Service - Reporting] Process Tracking - Mapping Filter Transaction Type dengan Document Type
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Dear Mega, combo filter TransType dan Doc Type sudah bisa, silahkan di testing.... - 01:39 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #2270 (QA Test): [Logistic & Service - Purchase Report] Purchase Detail - Filter Combo Document Type menampilkan lebih dari satu type
- Dear Mega, utk filter sudah di tambahkan pilihan opsi Doc Type PR, utk Request for Quotation dan Vendor Quotation jug...
- 12:01 PM PT BIA Feature #2260 (QA Test): Report Premi Hinodumptruck
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Dear Nando, Filter Division Code dan Total ... - 11:55 AM PT BIA Feature #2261 (QA Test): Report Premi Operator Alat
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Dear Nando, total PREMI dan filter Division... - 11:48 AM PT BIA Feature #2263 (QA Test): Report Premi CPO
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Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Division Code s... - 11:44 AM PT BIA Feature #2262 (QA Test): Report Premi Perawatan
- 11:43 AM PT BIA Feature #2262: Report Premi Perawatan
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Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Filter Division... - 11:37 AM PT BIA Feature #2259 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Premi Panen
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Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Division Code...
- 10:01 AM PT BIA Bug #2245 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft monthly
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Dear Johanes, bug sudah di fixed. silahkan di testing.... Terima Kasih.
- 05:43 PM PT BIA Bug #2246 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft quarterly
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Dear Jo, bug sudah di fixed. silahkan di check. Terima Kasih. - 05:18 PM PT BIA Bug #2247 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget & actual comparison
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Dear Jo, report Budget Actual comparison sudah di fixed, silahkan di check, Ter... - 04:25 PM PT BIA Bug #2244 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft yearly
- Dear Jo, bug sudah di fixed, silahkan di cek kembali
!clipboard-20230614162... - 10:55 AM PT BIA Bug #2232 (QA Test): [Travel Report] Travel Recap
- Dear Jo, bug sudah di perbaiki... silahkan di testing..
- 02:35 PM HINO Bugs Bug #2230 (QA Test): [HR-Employee]Report Employee Resign tidak muncul data nya
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Dear Mas Bintar, utk filter tersebut adalah filter Resign Date, bukan effective...
- 12:12 PM PT BIA Bug #2223 (QA Test): Report Training Implementation
- Dear Haykal, Filter Parameter sudah di fixed, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.
- 10:02 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2215 (QA Test): [Report] All Employee - Penambahan field years of service
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Dear Jo, Kolom Years of Services sudah di tambahkan. Silahkan di testing... Ter...
- 11:23 AM KJL Bug #2213 (QA Test): Wage type Report tidak muncul data untuk employee tertentu
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Dear Bang Fachrul, limit Employee ID sudah di extend menjadi 50 karakter, silah... - 10:50 AM KJL Bug #2212 (QA Test): Wage type Recap tidak muncul data untuk employee tertentu
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Dear Bang Fachrul, Report sudah di extend maximal limit Employee ID yg tadinya ...
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