


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 06/03/2023 to 07/02/2023


02:45 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #2269 (QA Test): [Logistic & Service - Reporting] Process Tracking - Mapping Filter Transaction Type dengan Document Type
Dear Mega, combo filter TransType dan Doc Type sudah bisa, silahkan di testing....
shofwan shiddiq
01:39 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #2270 (QA Test): [Logistic & Service - Purchase Report] Purchase Detail - Filter Combo Document Type menampilkan lebih dari satu type
Dear Mega, utk filter sudah di tambahkan pilihan opsi Doc Type PR, utk Request for Quotation dan Vendor Quotation jug... shofwan shiddiq


12:01 PM PT BIA Feature #2260 (QA Test): Report Premi Hinodumptruck
Dear Nando, Filter Division Code dan Total ...
shofwan shiddiq
11:55 AM PT BIA Feature #2261 (QA Test): Report Premi Operator Alat
Dear Nando, total PREMI dan filter Division...
shofwan shiddiq
11:48 AM PT BIA Feature #2263 (QA Test): Report Premi CPO
Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Division Code s...
shofwan shiddiq
11:44 AM PT BIA Feature #2262 (QA Test): Report Premi Perawatan
shofwan shiddiq
11:43 AM PT BIA Feature #2262: Report Premi Perawatan
Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Filter Division...
shofwan shiddiq
11:37 AM PT BIA Feature #2259 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Premi Panen
Dear Nando, Total PREMI dan Division Code...
shofwan shiddiq


10:01 AM PT BIA Bug #2245 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft monthly
Dear Johanes, bug sudah di fixed. silahkan di testing.... Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq


05:43 PM PT BIA Bug #2246 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft quarterly
Dear Jo, bug sudah di fixed. silahkan di check. Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq
05:18 PM PT BIA Bug #2247 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget & actual comparison
Dear Jo, report Budget Actual comparison sudah di fixed, silahkan di check, Ter...
shofwan shiddiq
04:25 PM PT BIA Bug #2244 (QA Test): [Budget Report] Budget result draft yearly
Dear Jo, bug sudah di fixed, silahkan di cek kembali
shofwan shiddiq
10:55 AM PT BIA Bug #2232 (QA Test): [Travel Report] Travel Recap
Dear Jo, bug sudah di perbaiki... silahkan di testing..
shofwan shiddiq


02:35 PM HINO Bugs Bug #2230 (QA Test): [HR-Employee]Report Employee Resign tidak muncul data nya
Dear Mas Bintar, utk filter tersebut adalah filter Resign Date, bukan effective...
shofwan shiddiq


12:12 PM PT BIA Bug #2223 (QA Test): Report Training Implementation
Dear Haykal, Filter Parameter sudah di fixed, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq


10:02 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2215 (QA Test): [Report] All Employee - Penambahan field years of service
Dear Jo, Kolom Years of Services sudah di tambahkan. Silahkan di testing... Ter...
shofwan shiddiq


11:23 AM KJL Bug #2213 (QA Test): Wage type Report tidak muncul data untuk employee tertentu
Dear Bang Fachrul, limit Employee ID sudah di extend menjadi 50 karakter, silah...
shofwan shiddiq
10:50 AM KJL Bug #2212 (QA Test): Wage type Recap tidak muncul data untuk employee tertentu
Dear Bang Fachrul, Report sudah di extend maximal limit Employee ID yg tadinya ...
shofwan shiddiq

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