


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 05/02/2023 to 05/31/2023


10:04 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2192 (QA Test): [E-Recruitment] Home
Dear Johanes, Button nya sudah di sambungkan ke hyperlink career KJL, terima kasih. shofwan shiddiq
10:04 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Bug #2192 (Closed): [E-Recruitment] Home)
shofwan shiddiq
09:51 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2193 (Closed): Bug Report Wage Type Recap KJL)
shofwan shiddiq
09:36 AM PT BIA Bug #2155 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck
Dear Nando, tambahan tipe trip sudah di deploy ke report.. silahkan di testing,
shofwan shiddiq
09:36 AM PT BIA 3.00 hours (Bug #2155 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck)
shofwan shiddiq


09:53 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Website Minova - Client Header Ticketing Menu shofwan shiddiq
09:51 AM MINOVA DEMO 7.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Website Minova - UI Improvement Posting Ticket and Update Ticket Menu shofwan shiddiq
09:49 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
shofwan shiddiq
09:48 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Website Minova - Posting Ticket Menu shofwan shiddiq


09:44 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2177 (QA Test): Format Payslip BWS
Sudah di ganti bang Fachrul dari DER1 menjadi JEE1, terima kasih. shofwan shiddiq
09:44 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Bug #2177 (Closed): Format Payslip BWS)
shofwan shiddiq


10:49 AM KJL Bug #2182 (QA Test): Report Wage Type Report tidak muncul data
Dear Bang Fachrul, setelah di cek penyebabnya di table PHRPYWTRCPDETAIL Report type nya value perlu di rubah dari '1... shofwan shiddiq
10:49 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2182 (Closed): Report Wage Type Report tidak muncul data)
shofwan shiddiq
10:33 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2178 (QA Test): [E-Recruitment] Form personal data
Dear Jo, upload picture sudah bisa.
Perubahan: SDATATABLEFIELD Table =PHRRC0001, FieldName = Picture di samain sam...
shofwan shiddiq
10:33 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 2.00 hours (Bug #2178 (Closed): [E-Recruitment] Form personal data )
shofwan shiddiq
10:31 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 4.00 hours (Bug #2177 (Closed): Format Payslip BWS)
shofwan shiddiq
10:31 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2177 (QA Test): Format Payslip BWS
Dear Bang Fachrul, Report Payslip format nya sudah di samakan dengan excel.. silahkan di testing
shofwan shiddiq
09:46 AM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Bug #2179 (Closed): Report Time Management - Time Report - Attendance Recap)
shofwan shiddiq
09:46 AM PT BIA Bug #2179 (QA Test): Report Time Management - Time Report - Attendance Recap
Dear Nando, report attendance sudah di fixed
1. Hapus kolom No,create by & change by
2. Tambah Parameter Employee...
shofwan shiddiq


10:33 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
UI Improvement, Home Page, About Us Page, Brochure Page, Product, Login Form. shofwan shiddiq
10:31 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
UI Improvement, Mockup Modul HR, Logistic, BI, Financial Accounting.. shofwan shiddiq
10:29 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Ticketing Client Support, Email Blast for Request Demo and Quotation, UI Improvement. shofwan shiddiq


03:04 PM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Pembuatan Mockup Capture an Untuk modul2 di Minova Website. shofwan shiddiq
03:03 PM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
Pembuatan Mockup Capture an, untuk modul2 website Minova shofwan shiddiq
03:01 PM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
shofwan shiddiq


03:57 PM PT BIA Feature #2151: Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
Dear Nando, Report Premi Panen Sudah di Deploy, silahkan di testing.
shofwan shiddiq
03:57 PM PT BIA 3.00 hours (Feature #2151 (Revise): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen )
Report Premi Panen shofwan shiddiq


11:20 AM KJL 3.00 hours (Bug #2162 (Closed): Perbaikan report Attendance & Overtime Recap)
Report Attendance & Overtime Recap shofwan shiddiq
11:20 AM KJL Bug #2162 (QA Test): Perbaikan report Attendance & Overtime Recap
Dear Bang Fachrul, Data Attendance dan Perhitungan Hours sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih,
SP & ...
shofwan shiddiq
10:13 AM PT BIA Bug #2155: Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck
Dear Nando, Report PREMI HINO DUMTRUCK sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing.
shofwan shiddiq
10:13 AM PT BIA 8.00 hours (Bug #2155 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck)
shofwan shiddiq


04:06 PM PT BIA Feature #2153 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO
Dear Nando, Report Premi CPO sudah di deploy.
shofwan shiddiq
04:06 PM PT BIA 2.00 hours (Feature #2153 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO)
shofwan shiddiq
02:50 PM PT BIA Feature #2152 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Binamarga - Report Premi Binamarga
Dear nando, report premi binamarga sudah di deploy, silahkan ditesing.
shofwan shiddiq
02:50 PM PT BIA 2.00 hours (Feature #2152 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Binamarga - Report Premi Binamarga)
shofwan shiddiq
01:40 PM PT BIA Bug #2154 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hino - Report Premi Hino
Dear Nando, Report Premi Hino Sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing.
Terima Kasih, Shofwan
shofwan shiddiq
01:40 PM PT BIA 3.00 hours (Bug #2154 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hino - Report Premi Hino)
shofwan shiddiq
11:49 AM PT BIA Feature #2158 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
Dear Nando, wt sudah di daftarkan. Silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih shofwan shiddiq
11:49 AM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Feature #2158 (Closed): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary)
shofwan shiddiq


05:35 PM PT BIA Feature #2151 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
Dear Nando, Report Premi Panen Sudah di Deploy, silahkan di testing.
shofwan shiddiq
05:35 PM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Feature #2151 (Revise): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen )
shofwan shiddiq
05:15 PM PT BIA 3.00 hours (Feature #2151 (Revise): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen )
shofwan shiddiq
05:16 PM PT BIA Bug #2156 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
Dear Nando, Report Premi Perawatan sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq
05:16 PM PT BIA 3.00 hours (Bug #2156 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan)
shofwan shiddiq
05:13 PM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Project: PT BIA)
Minova Website Home Page Carousel Content shofwan shiddiq


10:05 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Feature #2147 (Closed): Kolom Cost Group (CG) di Report Wage Type Recap)
shofwan shiddiq
10:05 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Feature #2147 (QA Test): Kolom Cost Group (CG) di Report Wage Type Recap
Dear Bang Fachrul, Report Wage Type Recap sudah di revisi sesuai redmine, silahkan di testing.
Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq

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