


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 03/11/2023 to 04/09/2023


04:59 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2097 (QA Test): [HR-Payroll] Report Wage Type Recap
Dear Jo, External ID sudah tampil. Silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq
04:59 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 2.00 hours (Bug #2097 (Closed): [HR-Payroll] Report Wage Type Recap)
shofwan shiddiq


04:00 PM KJL 3.00 hours (Bug #2104 (Closed): Report 1721 A1 2014 Personal)
shofwan shiddiq
04:00 PM KJL Bug #2104 (QA Test): Report 1721 A1 2014 Personal
Dear Bang Fachrul, Report 1721 A1 2014 Personal sudah di lengkapi datanya, dan ...
shofwan shiddiq
10:29 AM MINOVA DEMO Support #2077: New design UI E-Learning & E-Recruitment
Re-design Minova E-Learning & E-Recruitment Module
shofwan shiddiq
10:29 AM MINOVA DEMO 5.00 hours (Support #2077 (Assigned): New design UI E-Learning & E-Recruitment)
E-Learning & E-Recruitment shofwan shiddiq
09:42 AM IMFI Bugs 3.00 hours (Bug #1787 (Closed): [IMFI - Report Payroll] Report Bank Transfer BTPN Jenius)
shofwan shiddiq


09:17 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #2097: [HR-Payroll] Report Wage Type Recap
Untuk Menambahkan Kolom Di Report Wage Type Recap
2. Report Type: 0002, Field empl...
shofwan shiddiq


05:17 PM BANK KALTENG Bugs Feature #2093 (QA Test): [HR-REPORT CUTI] Penambahan info persekot cuti tahunan dan persekot cuti besar
shofwan shiddiq
10:37 AM BANK KALTENG Bugs Feature #2093 (QA Test): [HR-REPORT CUTI] Penambahan info persekot cuti tahunan dan persekot cuti besar
Dear Mas Bintar, foeld Persekot Cuti Tahunan dan Besar sudah di tambahkan, sila...
shofwan shiddiq
10:37 AM BANK KALTENG Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #2093 (Closed): [HR-REPORT CUTI] Penambahan info persekot cuti tahunan dan persekot cuti besar)
shofwan shiddiq
09:09 AM KJL Bug #2091 (QA Test): Perhitungan Durasi di Report Attendance Recap
Dear Bang Fachrul, Perhitungan Time Attendance sudah di fixed, dan posisi sudah di tukar antara Time Start dengan End... shofwan shiddiq
09:09 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2091 (Closed): Perhitungan Durasi di Report Attendance Recap)
shofwan shiddiq


01:43 PM KJL Bug #2090 (QA Test): Error Report Attendance Recap dan Absence Recap
Dear Bang Fachrul, Report Absence dan Attendance sudah di fixed Bug nya. karena ada limit Employee ID 8.
shofwan shiddiq
01:43 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2090 (Closed): Error Report Attendance Recap dan Absence Recap)
shofwan shiddiq


04:52 PM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Feature #2084 (QA Test): Payroll Accounting - Payroll Report - Report Laporan Pajak )
shofwan shiddiq
04:52 PM PT BIA Feature #2084 (QA Test): Payroll Accounting - Payroll Report - Report Laporan Pajak
Dear Nando, Report Pajak Sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih....
shofwan shiddiq
03:19 PM PT BIA 1.00 hour (Feature #2080 (QA Test): Report BPJS Kes)
shofwan shiddiq
03:19 PM PT BIA Feature #2080 (QA Test): Report BPJS Kes
Dear Nando,Report BPJS Kesehatan sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing.
Terima ...
shofwan shiddiq
02:42 PM PT BIA Feature #2082 (QA Test): Report Ketenaga Kerjaan
Dear Nando, Report BPJS Tenaga Kerja sudah di deploy, Silahkan Ditesting.
Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq
02:42 PM PT BIA 2.00 hours (Feature #2082 (QA Test): Report Ketenaga Kerjaan)
shofwan shiddiq


06:37 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #2072: report all employee payroll tidak keluar datanya kalau pilih employee active dan permanent
Dear Mas Bintar, Report Payroll Sudah di fixed, silahkan di testing.....
Ada data employee yg doble dengan enddat...
shofwan shiddiq
04:31 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #2074 (Closed): [Report-Posting To GL] Company, Cost Center)
shofwan shiddiq
04:31 PM PERTALIFE Bug #2074 (QA Test): [Report-Posting To GL] Company, Cost Center
Dear Jo, Field Code Sika sudah di tambahkan. silahkan datanya dilengkapi dan ditesting... Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq


10:01 AM Bank Mega Syariah Existing Bug #2068 (QA Test): report payroll wage type recap tidak keluar data nya padahal sudah di running employee
Dear Mas Bintar, Bug Report Sudah di fixed. Silahkan di testing...
shofwan shiddiq
10:01 AM Bank Mega Syariah Existing 1.00 hour (Bug #2068 (Closed): report payroll wage type recap tidak keluar data nya padahal sudah di running employee)
shofwan shiddiq


11:25 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 2.00 hours (Feature #1748 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Assessment)
shofwan shiddiq
11:11 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 2.00 hours (Feature #1735 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Address)
shofwan shiddiq
11:11 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1735 (QA Test): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Address
shofwan shiddiq


10:06 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1749 (QA Test): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Talent Action
shofwan shiddiq
10:06 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 1.00 hour (Feature #1749 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Talent Action)
shofwan shiddiq


09:37 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1758 (QA Test): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Training History
Dear Fiona, Tab Training History sudah di deploy. silahkan di testing... Terima Kasih. shofwan shiddiq
09:37 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 1.00 hour (Feature #1758 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Training History)
shofwan shiddiq


06:47 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1759: List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Education History
Dear Fiona, Tab Education History sudah di deploy... silahkan di testing.. Terima Kasih.
shofwan shiddiq
06:47 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 2.00 hours (Feature #1759 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Education History)
shofwan shiddiq
03:11 PM Tugu Pratama Indonesia Bugs Feature #2056: [HR-Employee Report] Tugu Report CV report nya ada data double pada working history
Dear Mas Bintar, Report TUGU EMPLOYEE CV sudah di update, silahkan di testing.. Terima Kasih.
SP: workingHistory
shofwan shiddiq
03:11 PM Tugu Pratama Indonesia Bugs 2.00 hours (Feature #2056 (Closed): [HR-Employee Report] Tugu Report CV report nya ada data double pada working history)
shofwan shiddiq
10:09 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT 2.00 hours (Feature #1767 (Closed): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Cost)
shofwan shiddiq
10:09 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1767: List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Cost
Dear Fiona, Data Cost sudah di ambil sesuai dengan data yg memiliki header sequence (MAX)
ExecuteParamQueryID: GET...
shofwan shiddiq

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