


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 01/04/2023 to 02/02/2023


01:57 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1747 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Match Up
Dear Fiona, untuk table PHRPA0002 belum ada Job ID nya. tolong di lengkapi dulu, supaya data nya bisa keliatan.. shofwan shiddiq
09:22 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #1971 (QA Test): [HR - Travel Report] Report Travel All tidak Tampil
Dear Mega, Report Travel sudah tampil, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih shofwan shiddiq


05:42 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1745 (QA Test): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Regular Income
Dear Fiona, Regular Wage Type Sudah di ambil sesuai dengan database. Silahkan di testing, Terima Kasih. shofwan shiddiq
05:05 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1744: List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Benefits
Dear Fiona, untuk field Health Allowance, Benefit Honorarium, dan Benefit other Allowance belum ada parameternya di G... shofwan shiddiq
05:03 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1742 (QA Test): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Payroll Basic Data
Dear Fiona, Panel Payroll Basic Data sudah di update sesuai database, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih. shofwan shiddiq
10:02 AM PERTALIFE Bug #1970: [PMS Report] Nilai KBI tidak Tampil
Dear Mega, Nilai KBI sudah di tampilkan. dan filter apprasial type sudah di buat fixed Value menjadi Final, silahkan ... shofwan shiddiq


01:44 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1871 (QA Test): [Talent Management] - Talent Match Up
shofwan shiddiq
11:58 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1874 (QA Test): [Talent Management] - Matrix Analysis
shofwan shiddiq
09:34 AM PT BIA Feature #1961 (QA Test): Report Rekap Employee Status
Dear Nando, Report Rekapitulasi data Karyawan sudah di upload. Silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih. shofwan shiddiq


10:39 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1873 (QA Test): [Talent Management] - Career Planning
shofwan shiddiq


05:42 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #1933 (QA Test): [HR-Peyroll Report] COA Expense, Wage Type Recap
shofwan shiddiq
11:47 AM PT BIA Feature #1940 (QA Test): Report Tax Period Employee
Dear Nando, Report Tax Period Per Employee sudah di update, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih
shofwan shiddiq


03:01 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1872 (QA Test): [Talent Management] - Succession Planning
shofwan shiddiq


02:04 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #1933: [HR-Peyroll Report] COA Expense, Wage Type Recap
Dear Jo, untuk kolom Wage Type akan otomatis ditambahkan apabila Wage type memiliki nilai, dan Wage Type Description... shofwan shiddiq


03:23 PM KJL Bug #1927 (QA Test): [HR-Time Report] Cuti
Dear Jo, Report Cuti sudah jalan, bisa di testing. Terima Kasih
shofwan shiddiq


06:44 PM KJL Bug #1922 (QA Test): [HR-Report Payroll] eSPT Bulanan, Posting To GL (Company), eSPT Bulanan Retro, eSPT Bulanan Adjustment
Dear Jo, Bug sudah di perbaiki. silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih shofwan shiddiq
06:43 PM KJL Bug #1921 (QA Test): [HR-Report Payroll] Posting To GL (Company)
Dear Jo, Bug sudah di perbaiki. Silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih. shofwan shiddiq
05:20 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1770 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Secondary Job
shofwan shiddiq
05:09 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1769 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Travel History
shofwan shiddiq
01:57 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1767 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Cost
shofwan shiddiq
01:57 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1765 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Recent Travel
shofwan shiddiq
01:56 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1764 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Medical Claim History
shofwan shiddiq
10:37 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1763 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Recent Claim
shofwan shiddiq
10:36 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1762 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Medical Plafond
shofwan shiddiq
10:35 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1761 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Medical Data
shofwan shiddiq
10:34 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1760 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Assignment History
shofwan shiddiq
10:29 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1874 (QA Test): [Talent Management] - Matrix Analysis
Dear Fio, Menu Matrix Analysis sudah di redesain. silahkan di testing. shofwan shiddiq
10:25 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1759 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Education History
shofwan shiddiq
10:16 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1758 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Training History
shofwan shiddiq
10:01 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1757 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Job Description
shofwan shiddiq
09:59 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1756 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Risk Profile
shofwan shiddiq
09:51 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1755 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Qualification Profile
shofwan shiddiq
09:30 AM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1754 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - KPI
shofwan shiddiq


06:54 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1753 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Facilities
shofwan shiddiq
06:18 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1750 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Appraisal KPI, Performance History
shofwan shiddiq
05:51 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1749 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Talent Action
shofwan shiddiq
05:50 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1748 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Assessment
shofwan shiddiq
05:49 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1746 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Salary History
shofwan shiddiq
05:47 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1741 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Work Schedule
shofwan shiddiq
05:46 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1745 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Regular Income
shofwan shiddiq
05:46 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1744 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Benefits
shofwan shiddiq
05:46 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1742 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Payroll Basic Data
shofwan shiddiq
05:42 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1738 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Absence
shofwan shiddiq
05:41 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1735 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Address
shofwan shiddiq
05:41 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1737 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Employment
shofwan shiddiq
05:41 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1736 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Last Education
shofwan shiddiq
05:23 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1734 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Basic Data
shofwan shiddiq
05:20 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1733 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Header
shofwan shiddiq
05:20 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #1739 (Developing): List Get Data "My Staff" BI Dashboard - Attendance
shofwan shiddiq
04:22 PM KJL Feature #1913 (QA Test): [HR-Payroll Report] 1721 BP Tidak Final
Dear Jo, Report 1721 BP Tidak Final sudah di deploy. Silahkan di testing
shofwan shiddiq

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