Tri Rizqiaty's activity
From 11/04/2022 to 12/03/2022
- 05:20 PM PT BIA Support #1848 (QA Test): [Time to Payroll] - Premi Basis Panen
- 05:20 PM PT BIA Support #1848 (Developing): [Time to Payroll] - Premi Basis Panen
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute ...
- 02:56 PM KJL Feature #1832 (QA Test): [TM To PY] Perhitungan Gaji Pokok dan Management Fee Karyawan Monas
- 02:56 PM KJL Feature #1832 (Developing): [TM To PY] Perhitungan Gaji Pokok dan Management Fee Karyawan Monas
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.KJL.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll & MinovaIS.... - 02:52 PM KJL Bug #1686 (QA Test): [HR-Employee Administration] Export Employee Data
- 02:52 PM PT BIA Bug #1813 (QA Test): [HR-Administration] Export Employee Data
- 02:52 PM PT BIA Bug #1813 (Developing): [HR-Administration] Export Employee Data
- 05:14 PM PT BIA Support #1824 (QA Test): [Time to Payroll] - Trip HINO Dump Truck
- 05:14 PM PT BIA Support #1824 (Developing): [Time to Payroll] - Trip HINO Dump Truck
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute ... - 05:13 PM PT BIA Support #1826 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - Binamarga
- 05:13 PM PT BIA Support #1826 (Developing): [TM to Payroll] - Binamarga
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute ... - 05:11 PM PT BIA Support #1822 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - HINO Dump Truck
- 05:11 PM PT BIA Support #1822 (Developing): [TM to Payroll] - HINO Dump Truck
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute ... - 05:10 PM PT BIA Support #1821 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - CPO PKS
- 05:10 PM PT BIA Support #1821 (Developing): [TM to Payroll] - CPO PKS
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute... - 05:09 PM PT BIA Support #1819 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - Pinalti/Denda
- Tolong ditest ya..
- 05:08 PM PT BIA Support #1819 (Developing): [TM to Payroll] - Pinalti/Denda
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin :
- MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
... - 05:04 PM PT BIA Feature #1846 (QA Test): Generate Quota Cuty
- 05:04 PM PT BIA Feature #1846 (Developing): Generate Quota Cuty
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.TM.dll (file terlampir)
2. Execute SP : GENLE...
- 02:43 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #1816 (QA Test): [Financial Accounting] - GL Document
- 02:43 PM MINOVA DEMO Bug #1816 (Developing): [Financial Accounting] - GL Document
- Fixing :
1. Update folder API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Extensions.Data.Element.FILO (file telampir)
2. Update fol...
- 03:01 PM PT ARITA Support #1713 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Penilai
- Fixing :
Update table PCMWFCUSTPARAM - ID:PMSAPPRAISER1 = rubah field Value menjadi
SELECT @EmployeeID AS Empl... - 10:39 AM ARITA Bugs Bug #1812 (QA Test): tidak bisa finish payroll karena employee still in correction padahal sudah tidak ada yang correction di phrpa0015 nya.
- 10:38 AM ARITA Bugs Bug #1812 (Developing): tidak bisa finish payroll karena employee still in correction padahal sudah tidak ada yang correction di phrpa0015 nya.
- Fixing :
Update folder API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.PY.dll (file terlampir) - 10:32 AM PT BIA Bug #1815 (QA Test): [Employee Movement] - Promotion, Demotion
- 10:32 AM PT BIA Bug #1815 (Developing): [Employee Movement] - Promotion, Demotion
- Fixing :
Delete field di table PHRPAWIZDETAIL, sesuai gambar dibawah :
- 10:37 AM PT BIA Bug #1804 (QA Test): perubahan format employee id
- 10:37 AM PT BIA Bug #1804 (Developing): perubahan format employee id
- Fixing :
1. Update UI\app\controller\wizard : wizard.js
2. Execute SP : GENEMPID_202211161740.sql file Terlampir ...
- 03:53 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #1779 (QA Test): Saat Running payroll timbul error sebanyak 1000 orang dalam 1 payroll group cabang
- 03:53 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #1779 (Developing): Saat Running payroll timbul error sebanyak 1000 orang dalam 1 payroll group cabang
- fixing :
update folder bin : MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.HR.PY.dll (file terlampir) - 03:47 PM PT ARITA Support #1713 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Penilai
- 03:47 PM PT ARITA Support #1713 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Penilai
- Fixing :
1. Update folder UI\app\controller\performance : controllerperformance.js - sesuai file terlampir
!clip... - 03:42 PM PT ARITA Bug #1712 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Lookup Filter tidak berfungsi
- 03:42 PM PT ARITA Bug #1712 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Lookup Filter tidak berfungsi
- 03:40 PM PT ARITA Support #1714 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Validasi Weight
- 03:38 PM PT ARITA Support #1714 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Validasi Weight
- fixing :
1. update folder UI\app\controller\performance : controllerperformance.js (file terlampir)
!clipboard-20221... - 03:36 PM PT ARITA Bug #1725 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Lookup tidak muncul saat di klik
- 03:36 PM PT ARITA Bug #1725 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Lookup tidak muncul saat di klik
- Fixing :
1. Update table SDATATABLEFIELD - Field AppraisalID : sesuai excel terlampir
2. Update table PHRPMFORMPARAM... - 03:34 PM PT ARITA Support #1727 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Appraisal Period
- 03:34 PM PT ARITA Support #1727 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Appraisal Period
- Fixing :
Update UI\scripts : MinovaUtil.FieldGenerator.jd (file terlampir)
- 03:31 PM PT ARITA Bug #1728 (QA Test): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Qualification
- 03:31 PM PT ARITA Bug #1728 (Developing): [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Qualification
- 03:31 PM PT ARITA Bug #1728: [Performance Management] - Performance Appraisal - Qualification
- Fixing :
Update UI/app/controller/performance : controllerperformance.js (file terlampir)
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