Moch Alinafia's activity
From 09/02/2022 to 10/01/2022
- 04:07 PM PT BIA Feature #1603 (Closed): [HR - Employee Report] Report Personal Data
- Dear Dev.
Tolong di ubah untuk title kolom 'External ID' menjadi 'Emp Code SAP'
!clipboard-202209151607-ytp6p.p... - 03:57 PM PT BIA Bug #1602 (Closed): [HR - Employee Report] Report All Employee untuk kolom no KTP salah ambil data jadi kosong
- Dear Dev
Tolong untuk Report All Employee untuk kolom ' _Year of Service_ ' di isikan dengan jumlah tahun di hitun... - 11:25 AM PT BIA Feature #1457 (Closed): Format Employee ID
- 05:23 PM PT ARITA Support #855 (Closed): Penomoran Loan Arita
- Sudah sesuai
test by Nando
- 05:25 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Feature #1455 (Closed): Report My Cv
- 02:36 PM PERTALIFE Bug #1553: Report Final Penilaian Individu
- maaf ketinggalan
url :
user : minovais
pass : 123Aa
DB server : remote.mino... - 02:21 PM PERTALIFE Bug #1553 (Closed): Report Final Penilaian Individu
- Dear Dev.
Tolong di design kan RDL untuk printout final penilaian individu dengan contoh terlampir
Terima Kasih
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