


M Azid Wahyudi's activity

From 07/08/2022 to 08/06/2022


05:05 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 2.30 hours (Bug #1453 (Closed): Error pada saat mengisi secondary job untuk posisi baru yang kosong)
Error pada saat mengisi secondary job untuk posisi baru yang kosong M Azid Wahyudi
02:29 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 2.00 hours (Feature #1455 (Closed): Report My Cv)
Report My Cv M Azid Wahyudi
02:28 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 2.00 hours (Bug #1454 (Closed): report Ess ePayslip )
report Ess ePayslip M Azid Wahyudi


support maintance TPI M Azid Wahyudi
06:10 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 4.00 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
Support UAT phase 2 M Azid Wahyudi


03:06 PM ROHTO BUGS 2.00 hours (Bug #1410 (Closed): [ESS - LEAVE]perhitungan quota pada remaining quota dsb tidak menyesuaikan dengan apa yang ada di master data Absence Quota jika melakukan pengajuan kedua kali nya walau kondisi workflow unfinish)
[ESS - LEAVE]perhitungan quota pada remaining quota dsb tidak menyesuaikan dengan apa yang ada di master data Absence... M Azid Wahyudi
11:56 AM ROHTO BUGS 2.00 hours (Bug #1424 (Closed): [ESS-LEAVE] pengajuan cuti jika memilih tanggal 20 sampai 22 tidak dipilih dan kena validasi padahal masih di bawah -14 hari)
[ESS-LEAVE] pengajuan cuti jika memilih tanggal 20 sampai 22 tidak dipilih dan kena validasi padahal masih di bawah -... M Azid Wahyudi
11:55 AM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1445 (Closed): HR Payslip tidak bisa keluar datanya dan muncul error subreport)
HR Payslip tidak bisa keluar datanya dan muncul error subreport M Azid Wahyudi
11:54 AM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1448 (Closed): Report Payroll Run Status Detail tidak menampilkan data dan muncul error dataset1)
Report Payroll Run Status Detail tidak menampilkan data dan muncul error dataset1 M Azid Wahyudi


06:08 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 8.00 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
support UAT phase 2 , fixing bug modul PMS , BKT (modul recruitment, modul training) M Azid Wahyudi
05:57 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Bug #1412 (Closed): [Reqruitment Management] Report Vacancy List tidak tampil)
[Reqruitment Management] Report Vacancy List tidak tampil M Azid Wahyudi
04:39 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1422 (Closed): [HR - Recruitment Management] Filter di Report Applicant Activity by Assignment tidak berfungsi)
[HR - Recruitment Management] Filter di Report Applicant Activity by Assignment tidak berfungsi M Azid Wahyudi
02:55 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 4.00 hours (Bug #1398 (Closed): [Report PMS] Menampilkan Report PMS per Individu)
[Report PMS] Menampilkan Report PMS per Individu M Azid Wahyudi
10:12 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1397 (Closed): [HR PMS] Data yang tampil masih kode)
[HR PMS] Data yang tampil masih kode M Azid Wahyudi


06:35 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 8.00 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
Support BKT UAT phase 2 , Rotho (modul time management) M Azid Wahyudi


04:20 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.30 hour (Bug #1377 (Closed): [HR - Training Management] Nama Office tidak sesuai)
[HR - Training Management] Nama Office tidak sesuai M Azid Wahyudi


06:41 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 8.00 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
aceh (Support request Client) , BKT (PMS goal setting , review , final & travel) , BMS(Travel editGrid for web mobile... M Azid Wahyudi
06:36 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Support #1399 (Closed): [ESS Travel] Mail Notif Supervisor)
[ESS Travel] Mail Notif Supervisor M Azid Wahyudi
BWS (Modul Training & performance ) , BMS (modul Travel , Performance & Training ) & Aceh (modul HR Administration) M Azid Wahyudi
12:18 PM Bank Aceh 1.00 hour (Support #1036 (Closed): [Bank Aceh] - Bug Report Year of service )
[Bank Aceh] - Bug Report Year of service M Azid Wahyudi
12:15 PM Bank Aceh 1.00 hour (Support #1035 (Closed): [Bank Aceh] - Custom Amployee)
[Bank Aceh] - Custom Amployee M Azid Wahyudi
12:13 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 4.00 hours (Feature #1402 (Closed): [ESS PMS] Bobot Perhitungan KPI dan Competency)
[ESS PMS] Bobot Perhitungan KPI dan Competency M Azid Wahyudi


05:22 PM Phase 2 2.00 hours (Bug #1394 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Performance Report Individu)
[ HR ] - Performance Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi
03:56 PM Phase 2 1.00 hour (Bug #1370 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Report Training "Training List By Job")
[ HR ] - Report Training "Training List By Job" M Azid Wahyudi
03:50 PM Phase 2 1.00 hour (Bug #1369 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Report Training "Cost Realization")
[ HR ] - Report Training "Cost Realization" M Azid Wahyudi
03:36 PM Phase 2 1.00 hour (Bug #1368 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Report Training "Training Implementation")
[ HR ] - Report Training "Training Implementation" M Azid Wahyudi
03:25 PM Phase 2 1.00 hour (Bug #1367 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Report Training "Instructor Evaluation Training")
[ HR ] - Report Training "Instructor Evaluation Training" M Azid Wahyudi
09:47 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 8.00 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
ess travel , PMS , report2 M Azid Wahyudi


01:44 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.30 hours (Support #1395 (Closed): [ESS Travel] Orgnization Level Direksi)
[ESS Travel] Orgnization Level Direksi M Azid Wahyudi
01:44 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Support #1400 (Closed): [ESS Travel] Task Condition)
[ESS Travel] Task Condition M Azid Wahyudi
01:43 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Support #1407 (Closed): [ESS Travel] - Settlement)
[ESS Travel] - Settlement M Azid Wahyudi


06:53 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Support #1406 (Closed): [ESS Travel] - Validasi Requester)
[ESS Travel] - Validasi Requester M Azid Wahyudi
11:38 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Support #1401 (Closed): [ESS Travel] Delete Button Add Delete)
[ESS Travel] Delete Button Add Delete M Azid Wahyudi
11:27 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.30 hours (Project: Bank Kalteng (Phase 2))
Report Bank Aceh (All Employee & Years Of Service) M Azid Wahyudi


09:45 AM MINOVA DEMO 2.30 hours (Support #1389 (Closed): Vendor Selection Report)
Vendor Selection Report M Azid Wahyudi
05:17 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.30 hours (Bug #1398 (Closed): [Report PMS] Menampilkan Report PMS per Individu)
[Report PMS] Menampilkan Report PMS per Individu M Azid Wahyudi


11:15 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Feature #1388 (Closed): ESS Travel )
ESS Travel M Azid Wahyudi
05:18 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Bug #1372 (Closed): [HR-PMS] Data tidak Tampil di UI)
[HR-PMS] Data tidak Tampil di UI M Azid Wahyudi
05:17 PM IMFI 1.00 hour (Bug #1390 (Closed): Report Overtime)
Report Overtime M Azid Wahyudi


11:01 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.30 hours (Support #1362 (Closed): ESS Travel)
ESS Travel M Azid Wahyudi


11:51 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1363 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review Phase 2 - Hilangkan Button Add & Delete)
[ESS PMS] PMS Review Phase 2 - Hilangkan Button Add & Delete M Azid Wahyudi
11:38 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.30 hour (Bug #1361 (Closed): Error Claim Status)
Error Claim Status M Azid Wahyudi


05:13 PM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Support #1357 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance )
ESS Exit Clearance M Azid Wahyudi
05:00 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Bug #1274 (Closed): [ESS PMS] Validasi KPI Score di PMS Final)
[ESS PMS] Validasi KPI Score di PMS Final M Azid Wahyudi
04:45 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1360 (Closed): [ Report ] - Overtime Recap)
[ Report ] - Overtime Recap M Azid Wahyudi
04:44 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1359 (Closed): [ Report ] - Travel Recap Loading lama)
[ Report ] - Travel Recap Loading lama M Azid Wahyudi
03:13 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1356 (Closed): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL)
[ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL M Azid Wahyudi
11:56 AM PT ARITA 1.30 hour (Feature #1304 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field)
ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field M Azid Wahyudi
11:45 AM PT ARITA 1.30 hour (Feature #1305 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field)
ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field M Azid Wahyudi


03:06 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.30 hours (Feature #1353 (Closed): kalkulasi pada form travel)
kalkulasi pada form travel M Azid Wahyudi


10:50 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Bug #1342 (Closed): Training List By Job)
Training List By Job M Azid Wahyudi


05:37 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1345 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion )
[ESS] - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi
04:38 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 3.00 hours (Feature #1343 (Closed): [ ESS - Overtime ] - Condition Back Date & Condition Day Type)
[ ESS - Overtime ] - Condition Back Date & Condition Day Type M Azid Wahyudi


10:34 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1341 (Closed): [ESS] - Mutation)
[ESS] - Mutation M Azid Wahyudi
10:33 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1340 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion )
[ESS] - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi

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