


M Azid Wahyudi's activity

From 06/08/2022 to 07/07/2022


11:59 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1338 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Autofill field
dear fiona , untuk ini udaah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:59 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1338 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Autofill field)
ESS Mutation - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
11:35 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1339 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion
dear johanes , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:35 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1339 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion )
[ESS] - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi


05:08 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Bug #1297 (QA Test): [ESS] - Travel
M Azid Wahyudi
05:08 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Bug #1297: [ESS] - Travel
dear johanes , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:08 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1297 (Closed): [ESS] - Travel)
[ESS] - Travel M Azid Wahyudi
04:30 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Feature #1298 (QA Test): [ESS] - Travel
M Azid Wahyudi
04:30 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Feature #1298: [ESS] - Travel
dear johanes , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:16 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 2.00 hours (Feature #1295 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Final Phase 2)
[ESS PMS] PMS Final Phase 2 M Azid Wahyudi
04:16 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Feature #1295 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Final Phase 2
dear mega , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:28 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Feature #1291 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Review Phase 2
dear mega ,, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:28 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 4.00 hours (Feature #1291 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review Phase 2)
[ESS PMS] PMS Review Phase 2 M Azid Wahyudi


05:47 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1311 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance - Show Deskripsi
dear fiona , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:47 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1311 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Show Deskripsi)
ESS Exit Clearance - Show Deskrips M Azid Wahyudi
05:35 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1312 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Autofill field)
ESS Mutation - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
05:35 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1312 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Autofill field
dear fiona , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1333 (QA Test): [ESS] - Mutation
dear fiona , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1333 (Closed): [ESS] - Mutation)
[ESS] - Mutation M Azid Wahyudi
04:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1332 (QA Test): [ESS] - Exit Clearance
dear fiona , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1332 (Closed): [ESS] - Exit Clearance)
[ESS] - Exit Clearance M Azid Wahyudi
04:41 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1331 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion )
[ESS] - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi
04:41 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1331 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion
dear johanes,, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:15 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 4.00 hours (Bug #1231 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring)
[ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring M Azid Wahyudi
03:15 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear mang eric , untuk report ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


06:31 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1319 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion - Autofill )
[ESS] - Promotion - Autofill M Azid Wahyudi
06:31 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1319 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion - Autofill
dear johanes , udah bisa di test ya
ini di set value berdasarkan employee area dan employee office
M Azid Wahyudi


05:39 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1307 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion
deaar jo , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:39 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1307 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion )
[ESS] - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi
05:38 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1315 (Closed): [ESS - Promotion] - Autofill )
[ESS - Promotion] - Autofill M Azid Wahyudi
05:38 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1315 (QA Test): [ESS - Promotion] - Autofill
dear jo , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:36 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1313 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion - Autofill
dear jo, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:36 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1313 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion - Autofill )
[ESS] - Promotion - Autofill M Azid Wahyudi


01:54 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1231 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring)
[ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring M Azid Wahyudi
01:54 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear mang erik , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:22 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi
11:22 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1210 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu
dear erik , udah semua ya , udah bisa di test
M Azid Wahyudi


12:18 PM CNAF 1.30 hour (Bug #1293 (Developing): Report Posting to GL filter Employee Office, EmployeeID from dan EmployeeID to tidak berfungsi )
Report Posting to GL filter Employee Office, EmployeeID from dan EmployeeID to tidak berfungsi M Azid Wahyudi
12:18 PM CNAF Bug #1293 (Developing): Report Posting to GL filter Employee Office, EmployeeID from dan EmployeeID to tidak berfungsi
dear masbin ,, udah bisa di test ya
berikut ini yang harus di deploy :
M Azid Wahyudi
07:21 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1231 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring)
[ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring M Azid Wahyudi
07:21 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231: [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear mang erik , itu data sesuai ketentuan di taks idnya data yg kosong jadi harus fixed pakenya yg mana
untuk in...
M Azid Wahyudi
07:16 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi
07:16 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1210: [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu
dear erik ,, udah bisa di cek
1. jabatan dll engga ada di omnya startdatenya 2022
2. formulir adjusted tablenya...
M Azid Wahyudi
03:53 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1283 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Autofill field
dear fiona , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:53 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1283 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Autofill field)
ESS Mutation - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
03:44 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1284 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill field)
ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
03:44 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1284 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill field
dear fiona , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


05:38 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Support #1286 (Closed): ESS Medical - StartDate)
ESS Medical - StartDate M Azid Wahyudi
05:38 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Support #1286 (QA Test): ESS Medical - StartDate
dear fiona , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:47 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.30 hour (Bug #1273 (Closed): [ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil)
[ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil M Azid Wahyudi
03:47 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Bug #1273 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil
dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
02:44 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Bug #1273: [ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil
dear mega , untuk autofill itu udah ada codingannya dan pas di cek datanya employee tersebut tidak ada
jadi harap...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:34 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.30 hour (Bug #1273 (Closed): [ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil)
[ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil M Azid Wahyudi
11:34 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Bug #1273: [ESS PMS] Appraisal Peroid tidak Tampil
dear mega , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:14 PM MINOVA DEMO Feature #1240: Costum Report Recruitment best on job
dear fernando udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:14 PM MINOVA DEMO 1.00 hour (Feature #1240 (Closed): Costum Report Recruitment best on job)
Costum Report Recruitment best on job M Azid Wahyudi


06:32 PM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
BMS(Report&ESS), Demo(Report) M Azid Wahyudi
05:31 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1275 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Autofill field
dear fiona , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
05:31 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1275 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Autofill field)
ESS Mutation - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
02:54 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1268 (Closed): ESS Promosi - Autofill)
ESS Promosi - Autofill M Azid Wahyudi
02:54 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1268 (QA Test): ESS Promosi - Autofill
dear johanes , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
12:48 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1269 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance
dear fiona , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
12:48 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1269 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance )
ESS Exit Clearance M Azid Wahyudi


10:25 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1268 (Revise): ESS Promosi - Autofill
dear fiona , untuk issue ini tolong di daftarkan field2 nya di sdatatablefield dan bizdata
M Azid Wahyudi


07:10 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1251 (Closed): [ESS] - Staff Requisition )
[ESS] - Staff Requisition M Azid Wahyudi
07:10 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1251 (QA Test): [ESS] - Staff Requisition
dear johanes , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
terima kasih
M Azid Wahyudi
07:03 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1267 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance, ESS Mutasi - Autofill
dear fiona , untuk iini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
07:03 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1267 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance, ESS Mutasi - Autofill )
ESS Exit Clearance, ESS Mutasi - Autofill M Azid Wahyudi
11:10 AM BANK FAMA Bug #1215 (QA Test): Report Leave - Kuota Cuti Exist Double di report
dear mba yaya , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:10 AM BANK FAMA 1.00 hour (Bug #1215 (Closed): Report Leave - Kuota Cuti Exist Double di report)
Report Leave - Kuota Cuti Exist Double di report M Azid Wahyudi
10:30 AM BANK FAMA 1.00 hour (Bug #1229 (Deploy): Report All Employee - Data KTP Tidak masuk ke Report Tapi data ada di Master Data Employee PHRPA0001)
Report All Employee - Data KTP Tidak masuk ke Report Tapi data ada di Master Data Employee PHRPA0001 M Azid Wahyudi
10:30 AM BANK FAMA Bug #1229 (QA Test): Report All Employee - Data KTP Tidak masuk ke Report Tapi data ada di Master Data Employee PHRPA0001
daer mba yaya , untuk report ini udah bisa di test
yang sekarang mengambil data phrpa0001 jika tidak ada data maka ...
M Azid Wahyudi


11:26 PM PERTALIFE Bug #1195 (Revise): [Training Report] Kegiatan Sertifikasi & Profesi
dear mega , untuk report ini belom RDLnya dan ini harus di diskusi terlebih dahulu ada ga di product kita atau ini cu... M Azid Wahyudi
11:23 PM PERTALIFE Bug #1194 (Revise): [Performance Report] Performance Unit
dear mega , report ini belom jalan karena PMSnya sedang di develop (phase2)
setelah PMSnya selesai diskusi soal re...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:20 PM PERTALIFE Bug #1193 (Revise): [Performance Report] Performance Report Individu
dear mega , report ini belom jalan karena PMSnya sedang di develop
setelah PMSnya selesai diskusi soal report ini...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:05 PM BANK FAMA Bug #1229 (Revise): Report All Employee - Data KTP Tidak masuk ke Report Tapi data ada di Master Data Employee PHRPA0001
dear mba yaya , untuk report ini mau menampilkan data di master data apa ?

- personal data atau personal ID
- ...
M Azid Wahyudi
10:32 PM HINO Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #1266 (Closed): [CR] ESS Overtime untuk merubah validasi pemilihan startdate pengajuan menjadi 60 hari backdate)
[CR] ESS Overtime untuk merubah validasi pemilihan startdate pengajuan menjadi 60 hari backdate M Azid Wahyudi
10:32 PM HINO Bugs Feature #1266 (QA Test): [CR] ESS Overtime untuk merubah validasi pemilihan startdate pengajuan menjadi 60 hari backdate
dear masbin , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya ,,
bizprocess :
- OvertimeNew
function :
- endates...
M Azid Wahyudi
05:29 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1251 (QA Test): [ESS] - Staff Requisition
dear johanes , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
yang di readonly itu settingan berdasarkan taskid
M Azid Wahyudi
05:29 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1251 (Closed): [ESS] - Staff Requisition )
[ESS] - Staff Requisition M Azid Wahyudi
05:11 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231 (Revise): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear erik ,,
formnya flownya belom jalan tolong di sesuaikan
M Azid Wahyudi
01:46 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231: [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear johanes ,, bikin sample data 3 :
1. task statusnya waiting approvalnya ds1
2. task statusnya waiting approv...
M Azid Wahyudi


11:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1231 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring)
[ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring M Azid Wahyudi
11:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1231 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
dear fiona , untuk report ini udah bisa di test
note :
tolong buatkan selection(filter) untuk report ini sesuai ...
M Azid Wahyudi
04:20 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1258 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Autofill field)
ESS Mutation - Autofill field M Azid Wahyudi
04:20 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1258 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Autofill field
dear fiona , untuk redmine ini udah bisa di cek ya
note :
untuk penarikan data latest 3 tahun tidak di buatkan...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:31 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1211 (Revise): [ Report ] - Selection Performance Report Monitoring
dear mang erik ,, untuk issue ini harus discus dulu
di existingnya pun seperti di bawah ini filternya
M Azid Wahyudi


11:07 AM ROHTO 6.00 hours (Feature #1172 (Closed): [CR] Penambahan Menu Report Leave Khusus Rohto)
[CR] Penambahan Menu Report Leave Khusus Rohto M Azid Wahyudi
11:07 AM ROHTO Feature #1172 (QA Test): [CR] Penambahan Menu Report Leave Khusus Rohto
dear masbin , untuk ini udah di deploy
rdl :
jangan lupa liat selectionny juga ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:10 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1253 (QA Test): ESS Mutation - Lookup Employee ID
dear fiona , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:10 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1253 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Lookup Employee ID)
ESS Mutation - Lookup Employee ID M Azid Wahyudi


09:12 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #1249 (QA Test): Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu "
dear bang ali dan masbin , untuk report ini udah di deploy ya di port sini
- Rpt_BNIS_HR_PA_JobInfo_Group...
M Azid Wahyudi
09:12 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 1.00 hour (Feature #1249 (Closed): Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu ")
Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu " M Azid Wahyudi


10:45 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1250 (QA Test): ESS Mutation
dear fiona , untuk redmine ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
10:45 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1250 (Closed): ESS Mutation)
ESS Mutation M Azid Wahyudi


05:07 PM MINOVA DEMO 1.00 hour (Feature #1240 (Closed): Costum Report Recruitment best on job)
Costum Report Recruitment best on job M Azid Wahyudi
05:07 PM MINOVA DEMO Feature #1240 (QA Test): Costum Report Recruitment best on job
dear fernando , untuk report ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:39 PM MINOVA DEMO Feature #1240 (Revise): Costum Report Recruitment best on job
dear nando ,,
tolong lengkapi ya detail penambahan fieldnya dimana dan datanya seperti apa
M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1226 (QA Test): ESS - Promotion
M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 3.00 hours (Feature #1226 (Closed): ESS - Promotion)
ESS - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1226: ESS - Promotion
dear sergio , untuk redmine ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:40 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #1249 (QA Test): Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu "
dear bang ali ,, udah bisa di test ya
fix rdl :
- Rpt_BNIS_HR_PA_JobDesc_Grouping
- Rpt_BNIS_HR_PA_JobDesc
M Azid Wahyudi
03:40 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 1.00 hour (Feature #1249 (Closed): Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu ")
Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu " M Azid Wahyudi


10:15 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1235 (Closed): ESS Mutation)
ESS Mutation M Azid Wahyudi
10:15 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1235 (QA Test): ESS Mutation
dear fiona ,, untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
02:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1226: ESS - Promotion
dear sergio , untuk performance history dan lastet udah bisa di cek ////
dan untuk new posisi ,, kasih tau sample ...
M Azid Wahyudi
02:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Feature #1226 (Closed): ESS - Promotion)
ESS - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi


10:08 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1210 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu
dear mang erik , unttuk issue ini udah sesuai di gtalk
dan tolong selectionnya period from to nya menjadi period ...
M Azid Wahyudi
10:08 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi


12:46 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1181 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance
dear fiona , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
12:46 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Feature #1181 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance )
ESS Exit Clearance M Azid Wahyudi


05:27 PM BANK KALTENG 2.00 hours (Feature #571 (Closed): [Benefit Administration] Medical Master Data)
[Benefit Administration] Medical Master Data M Azid Wahyudi
05:27 PM BANK KALTENG Feature #571 (QA Test): [Benefit Administration] Medical Master Data
dear mega ,, untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
10:53 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1222 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field)
ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field M Azid Wahyudi
10:53 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #1222 (QA Test): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field
dear fiona ,, untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


05:23 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Support #1223 (QA Test): Perubahan untuk membaca data berdasarkan data terupdate pada startdate di Menu Report Employee Profile
dear masbin ,, untuk issue ini udah bisa di test dan konfirmasi ke client
perubahan :
SP : Rpt_HR_PA_Cust_Emp_P...
M Azid Wahyudi
05:23 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 2.00 hours (Support #1223 (Closed): Perubahan untuk membaca data berdasarkan data terupdate pada startdate di Menu Report Employee Profile)
Perubahan untuk membaca data berdasarkan data terupdate pada startdate di Menu Report Employee Profile M Azid Wahyudi
12:08 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #1210 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu
dear mang erik , check dulu ya
M Azid Wahyudi
12:08 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi


09:25 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Support #1208: Update Filter Data untuk Report Late Report
dear mba ika , untuk testing di petralife langsung di prod sini belom di update
M Azid Wahyudi

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