


M Azid Wahyudi's activity

From 05/19/2022 to 06/17/2022


10:45 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1250 (Closed): ESS Mutation)
ESS Mutation M Azid Wahyudi


05:07 PM MINOVA DEMO 1.00 hour (Feature #1240 (Closed): Costum Report Recruitment best on job)
Costum Report Recruitment best on job M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 3.00 hours (Feature #1226 (Closed): ESS - Promotion)
ESS - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi
03:40 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 1.00 hour (Feature #1249 (QA Test): Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu ")
Penambahan Kolom pada report " Job Desc Individu " M Azid Wahyudi


10:15 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1235 (Closed): ESS Mutation)
ESS Mutation M Azid Wahyudi
02:43 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Feature #1226 (Closed): ESS - Promotion)
ESS - Promotion M Azid Wahyudi


10:08 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi


12:46 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Feature #1181 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance )
ESS Exit Clearance M Azid Wahyudi


05:27 PM BANK KALTENG 2.00 hours (Feature #571 (Closed): [Benefit Administration] Medical Master Data)
[Benefit Administration] Medical Master Data M Azid Wahyudi
10:53 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1222 (Closed): ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field)
ESS Exit Clearance - Autofill Field M Azid Wahyudi


05:23 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 2.00 hours (Support #1223 (QA Test): Perubahan untuk membaca data berdasarkan data terupdate pada startdate di Menu Report Employee Profile)
Perubahan untuk membaca data berdasarkan data terupdate pada startdate di Menu Report Employee Profile M Azid Wahyudi
12:08 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #1210 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performace Report Individu)
[ Report ] - Performace Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi


10:33 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 2.00 hours (Support #1208 (Closed): Update Filter Data untuk Report Late Report)
Update Filter Data untuk Report Late Report M Azid Wahyudi
05:18 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1192 (Closed): [Purchase Report] NPP Report)
[Purchase Report] NPP Report M Azid Wahyudi
04:55 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing 1.00 hour (Bug #1178 (QA Test): Report Employee Profile masih salah untuk mengambil data score)
Report Employee Profile masih salah untuk mengambil data score M Azid Wahyudi
03:43 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1197 (Closed): [Travel Management ] Travel Reports - Travel Employee (Individu))
[Travel Management ] Travel Reports - Travel Employee (Individu) M Azid Wahyudi
03:28 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1197 (Closed): [Travel Management ] Travel Reports - Travel Employee (Individu))
[Travel Management ] Travel Reports - Travel Employee (Individu) M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1202 (Closed): [Budgeting Report] Report tidak tampil)
[Budgeting Report] Report tidak tampil M Azid Wahyudi
02:26 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1202 (Closed): [Budgeting Report] Report tidak tampil)
[Budgeting Report] Report tidak tampil M Azid Wahyudi
02:49 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1154 (Closed): [ HR ] Recruitment Management - Report - Applicant Activity By Assignment)
[ HR ] Recruitment Management - Report - Applicant Activity By Assignment M Azid Wahyudi
02:46 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1162 (Closed): [Medical Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng)
[Medical Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng M Azid Wahyudi
02:03 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1199 (Closed): [Recruitment Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng)
[Recruitment Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng M Azid Wahyudi
12:41 PM BANK FAMA 1.00 hour (Bug #1205 (Closed): Upload File Data - Error)
Upload File Data - Error M Azid Wahyudi


06:15 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1204 (Closed): attendance recap yg tampil hanya employee active)
attendance recap yg tampil hanya employee active M Azid Wahyudi
06:02 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 2.30 hours (Bug #1169 (Closed): Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life)
Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life M Azid Wahyudi
04:51 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1191 (Closed): [Payroll Report] eSPT Bulanan Adjusment)
[Payroll Report] eSPT Bulanan Adjusment M Azid Wahyudi
04:35 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1186 (Closed): [Employee Report] All Employee)
[Employee Report] All Employee M Azid Wahyudi
04:12 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1184 (Closed): [Report FPP] FPP GA Recap)
[Report FPP] FPP GA Recap M Azid Wahyudi
04:11 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1183 (Closed): [Report FPP] FPP HC Recap)
[Report FPP] FPP HC Recap M Azid Wahyudi
04:08 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1185 (Closed): [Recruitment Report] Uraian & Persyaratan Jabatan)
[Recruitment Report] Uraian & Persyaratan Jabatan M Azid Wahyudi
04:06 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1187 (Closed): [Employee Report] Attendance & Overtime Recap)
[Employee Report] Attendance & Overtime Recap M Azid Wahyudi
04:04 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1188 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Wage Type Recap)
[Payroll Report] Wage Type Recap M Azid Wahyudi
04:03 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1189 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Company))
[Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Company) M Azid Wahyudi
04:03 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1190 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Cost Center))
[Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Cost Center) M Azid Wahyudi
03:59 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #1196 (Closed): [Asset Report ] Asset Depresiasi)
[Asset Report ] Asset Depresiasi M Azid Wahyudi


03:59 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #1169 (Closed): Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life)
Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life M Azid Wahyudi
06:21 AM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.30 hour (Bug #1169 (Closed): Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life)
Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life M Azid Wahyudi


04:14 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #1169 (Closed): Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life)
Informasi pembacaan report - Late Report & Fixing Penamaan Judul Report ke PT Perta Life M Azid Wahyudi
11:56 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.30 hour (Feature #1143 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Overtime Validation)
[ ESS ] - Overtime Validation M Azid Wahyudi
04:54 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1153 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Condition Travel Type)
[ ESS ] - Condition Travel Type M Azid Wahyudi
04:29 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1138 (Closed): [ HR ] - Performance Report Individu)
[ HR ] - Performance Report Individu M Azid Wahyudi
04:20 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1140 (Closed): [ HR ] - PMS - Performance Report per Unit)
[ HR ] - PMS - Performance Report per Unit M Azid Wahyudi
03:42 AM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1162 (Closed): [Medical Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng)
[Medical Report] Logo Report belum diganti dengan Logo Bank Kalteng M Azid Wahyudi


05:01 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1148 (Closed): [ESS] Travel _cond_backdated)
[ESS] Travel _cond_backdated M Azid Wahyudi
04:01 PM CNAF 1.00 hour (Bug #1156 (QA Test): Perubahan filter data)
Perubahan filter data M Azid Wahyudi
01:29 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 2.00 hours (Bug #1158 (Closed): Organization Chart)
Organization Chart M Azid Wahyudi


01:20 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #1151 (Closed): Recruitment - Report Aplicant Activity)
Recruitment - Report Aplicant Activity M Azid Wahyudi


05:43 PM Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) 1.00 hour (Bug #1154 (Closed): [ HR ] Recruitment Management - Report - Applicant Activity By Assignment)
[ HR ] Recruitment Management - Report - Applicant Activity By Assignment M Azid Wahyudi
03:19 PM IMFI Bugs 1.30 hour (Bug #1147 (Closed): Report Error - Cost Center Recap Detail)
Report Error - Cost Center Recap Detail M Azid Wahyudi


04:30 PM BANK KALTENG 2.00 hours (Support #1141 (Closed): Deploy ke Port Prod - Deploy RDL )
Deploy ke Port Prod - Deploy RDL M Azid Wahyudi
04:18 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Bug #1144 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Startdate and EndDate Validation)
[ ESS ] - Startdate and EndDate Validation M Azid Wahyudi


10:20 AM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1132 (Closed): Employee berbeda no rownya mulai dari 1 lagi)
Employee berbeda no rownya mulai dari 1 lagi M Azid Wahyudi


10:51 AM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1129 (Closed): Organization Chart tidak muncul )
Organization Chart tidak muncul M Azid Wahyudi

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