


M Azid Wahyudi's activity

From 03/10/2022 to 04/08/2022


11:06 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #1028 (QA Test): [ESS-LEAVE] validasi untuk backdate maksimal 14 hari tetapi terkadang masih bisa memilih lebih di backdate 15,16 dst
dear masbintar , udah bisa di cek ya
perubahan ada di bizproc -> id = 'leave_sj' di method saja perubahannya sepe...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:06 AM ROHTO BUGS 1.00 hour (Bug #1028 (Closed): [ESS-LEAVE] validasi untuk backdate maksimal 14 hari tetapi terkadang masih bisa memilih lebih di backdate 15,16 dst)
[ESS-LEAVE] validasi untuk backdate maksimal 14 hari tetapi terkadang masih bisa memilih lebih di backdate 15,16 dst M Azid Wahyudi


02:43 PM BBG Bugs Bug #1026 (QA Test): Report Error - semua Report
dear mba ika , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
02:43 PM BBG Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #1026 (Closed): Report Error - semua Report)
Report Error - semua Report M Azid Wahyudi
11:59 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 1.00 hour (Feature #1023 (Closed): Payroll - Report Posting TO GL)
Payroll - Report Posting TO GL M Azid Wahyudi
11:59 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Feature #1023 (QA Test): Payroll - Report Posting TO GL
dear sergio rumbayan ,, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:57 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Bug #1022 (QA Test): PA - Report CV
dear sergia rumbayan, udah bisa di test ya
makasih ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:57 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 3.00 hours (Bug #1022 (Closed): PA - Report CV )
PA - Report CV M Azid Wahyudi


04:56 PM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1018 (QA Test): widget)
widget M Azid Wahyudi
04:56 PM PT ARITA Bug #1018 (QA Test): widget
dear mas asqa udah bisa di test,,
fixing : custfeature > emp_profile > custparam
M Azid Wahyudi
04:49 PM PT ARITA Bug #1017 (QA Test): report Leave
dear ma aqsa udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:49 PM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1017 (QA Test): report Leave)
report Leave M Azid Wahyudi
03:47 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #918 (Developing): [ HR ] Training - Report Training Duration
M Azid Wahyudi
03:47 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #918: [ HR ] Training - Report Training Duration
mang erik , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
03:47 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 2.00 hours (Bug #918 (Closed): [ HR ] Training - Report Training Duration)
[ HR ] Training - Report Training Duration M Azid Wahyudi
12:12 PM Bank Mega Feature #1000 (Assigned): [CHANGE REQUEST][HR-TIMEDATA] Report Cuti Mega
dear masbin , ini gw balikin dulu ya nanti kalau udah deal baru di kerjain
makasih masbin
M Azid Wahyudi
11:30 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #1007 (QA Test): Customization > Object catalog Belum berfungsi
dear mba ika , udah bisa di test
fixing : > sdatatablefield > tablename : 'PCMEPGENIDTYP'
- GenerateIDT...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:30 AM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #1007 (Closed): Customization > Object catalog Belum berfungsi)
Customization > Object catalog Belum berfungsi M Azid Wahyudi
08:26 AM PT ARITA Bug #1014 (QA Test): Report Absence Recap
dear mas aqza , udah bisa di test ya ,,
jangan lupa redmine di bikin ya
M Azid Wahyudi
08:26 AM PT ARITA 1.00 hour (Bug #1014 (QA Test): Report Absence Recap)
Report Absence Recap M Azid Wahyudi


03:18 PM PT ARITA 5.00 hours (Bug #1001 (QA Test): Time Management - Total Quota Taken)
Time Management - Total Quota Taken M Azid Wahyudi
03:18 PM PT ARITA Bug #1001 (QA Test): Time Management - Total Quota Taken
dear mas aqsha ,, udah bisa di test ya
di kata katain :
- dll nya MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.Data.Element d...
M Azid Wahyudi


05:53 PM CNAF 1.00 hour (Support #1006 (Closed): Create Query untuk mengeluarkan Data Coaching - all Data 2022)
Create Query untuk mengeluarkan Data Coaching - all Data 2022 M Azid Wahyudi
05:53 PM CNAF Support #1006 (Assigned): Create Query untuk mengeluarkan Data Coaching - all Data 2022
dear mba ika berikut ini querynya :
select distinct * from core_wf_run_main main
left join core_wf_run_biz_data...
M Azid Wahyudi


10:10 AM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #918 (Revise): [ HR ] Training - Report Training Duration
dear sergio rumbayan , untuk ini tolong samakan parameternya sesuai sama existing ya
M Azid Wahyudi


05:39 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 1.00 hour (Feature #997 (Closed): Report Recruitment , logo report belum berubah)
Report Recruitment , logo report belum berubah M Azid Wahyudi
05:39 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Feature #997 (QA Test): Report Recruitment , logo report belum berubah
deaar sergioo rumbayan , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:25 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 5.00 hours (Bug #995 (Closed): ESS - Overtime)
ESS - Overtime M Azid Wahyudi
04:25 PM PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Bug #995 (QA Test): ESS - Overtime
dear mang erik ,, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


05:45 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 1.00 hour (Bug #996 (Closed): Report payroll Wage type recap Cost Center)
Report payroll Wage type recap Cost Center M Azid Wahyudi
05:45 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Bug #996 (QA Test): Report payroll Wage type recap Cost Center
dear sergio rumbayan, udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:50 PM PT ARITA Bug #986 (QA Test): Time Management
dear mas asqa, udah bisa di test ya

M Azid Wahyudi
04:50 PM PT ARITA 3.00 hours (Bug #986 (QA Test): Time Management)
Time Management M Azid Wahyudi


08:05 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 1.00 hour (Bug #987 (Closed): Report Tugu Employee CV)
Report Tugu Employee CV M Azid Wahyudi
08:05 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Bug #987 (QA Test): Report Tugu Employee CV
dear sergio , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


10:54 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #981 (QA Test): Report CV indonesia & inggris
M Azid Wahyudi
10:53 AM ROHTO BUGS 1.00 hour (Bug #983 (Closed): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Time Sheet Recap masih ada keliru untuk membaca keterlambatan nya)
[HR-TIME DATA] Report Time Sheet Recap masih ada keliru untuk membaca keterlambatan nya M Azid Wahyudi
10:53 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #983 (QA Test): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Time Sheet Recap masih ada keliru untuk membaca keterlambatan nya
dear mas bintar
perubahan ada di sp
M Azid Wahyudi
10:50 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Bug #985 (QA Test): Report Travel Employee
dear sergio , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
10:50 AM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 1.00 hour (Bug #985 (Closed): Report Travel Employee)
Report Travel Employee M Azid Wahyudi


02:59 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA 1.00 hour (Bug #981 (Closed): Report CV indonesia & inggris)
Report CV indonesia & inggris M Azid Wahyudi
02:59 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #981: Report CV indonesia & inggris
deaar mba ika , udah bisa di test ya
makasih mba
M Azid Wahyudi


06:04 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #943 (Closed): Pemilihan tanggal Cuti Besar Error)
Pemilihan tanggal Cuti Besar Error M Azid Wahyudi
06:04 PM BANK KALTENG Bug #943 (QA Test): Pemilihan tanggal Cuti Besar Error
dear mas aqha ,,
untuk issue ini kenapa hilang start datenya karena , employee tersebut tidak punya absen qouta cut...
M Azid Wahyudi
03:50 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 2.00 hours (Feature #972 (Closed): Report Payslip )
Report Payslip M Azid Wahyudi
03:50 PM TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Feature #972 (QA Test): Report Payslip
dear sergio , udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
11:56 AM BANK KALTENG 1.30 hour (Feature #957 (Closed): [Time Report] Attandance Recap)
[Time Report] Attandance Recap M Azid Wahyudi
11:56 AM BANK KALTENG Feature #957 (QA Test): [Time Report] Attandance Recap
dear mega , udah bisa di testing ya
tolong buatkan sample testing jam kerja dan OTS / WFH
terima kasih mega
M Azid Wahyudi


04:25 PM CLIENT SUPPORT Bug #971 (QA Test): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik
dear masbin kun , udah bisa di test ya
perubahan ada di
M Azid Wahyudi
04:25 PM CLIENT SUPPORT 1.00 hour (Bug #971 (Closed): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik)
[HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik M Azid Wahyudi
12:04 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #970 (QA Test): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik
dear masbin kun udah bisa di test ya
perubahan ada di sp :
makasih masbin kun
M Azid Wahyudi
12:04 PM ROHTO BUGS 1.00 hour (Bug #970 (Closed): [HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik)
[HR-TIME DATA] Report Overtime Rohto masih tetap menampilkan employee Head Office padahal filter nya employee Pabrik M Azid Wahyudi
10:40 AM BANK KALTENG Bug #963 (QA Test): Report Attendance - Sequance tidak mulai dari 1 pada employee selanjutnya
dear aqzha kun , udah bisa di test ya
makasih aqzha kun
M Azid Wahyudi
10:40 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #963 (Closed): Report Attendance - Sequance tidak mulai dari 1 pada employee selanjutnya)
Report Attendance - Sequance tidak mulai dari 1 pada employee selanjutnya M Azid Wahyudi
10:01 AM BANK KALTENG Feature #962 (QA Test): [Employee Report] Report Secondary Job
dear mega chan , udaah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
09:59 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Feature #962 (Closed): [Employee Report] Report Secondary Job)
[Employee Report] Report Secondary Job M Azid Wahyudi
09:59 AM BANK KALTENG Feature #962: [Employee Report] Report Secondary Job
dear mega chan , udaah bisa di test ya
makasih mega chan
M Azid Wahyudi


02:50 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #956 (Closed): [Time Report] Report Leave )
[Time Report] Report Leave M Azid Wahyudi
02:50 PM BANK KALTENG Bug #956 (QA Test): [Time Report] Report Leave
dear mega , udah bisa di testing ya
M Azid Wahyudi

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