



From 06/14/2021 to 07/13/2021


12:59 PM BBG Bug #404 (QA Test): BBG - ESS Medical
Saswanto Tampan


08:09 PM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
*Dear Mba ade,
Masih ada Revise ya, pada kesemua report attendance diatas..
result menjadi double pada record ...
07:54 PM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
untuk report leave quota sudah sesuai ya (count only annual leave),
02:16 PM BBG Bugs Bug #425 (Closed): BBG - HR Medical Claim (Pasangan/Anak)
Dear Tim Developer
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan perbaikan terkait Medical Claim di HR, casenya ketika pilih Pa...
Andi Saputra
01:05 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
update hasil QA Testing Ess Overtime Rohto yang belum solve.
1. Mohon bantuan melakukan cek param ID CondOTSaveMD15(...
ericsson ericsson


03:09 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
Dear Alip,
Mohon update yaa untuk catatan yg msh belum solve
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
01:50 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423: LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
untuk FSTemplatContent nya C10 ya
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti


04:56 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
update hasil testing ess rohto overtime :
yang sudah OK hasil testingnya adalah point berikut,
1. CondOTAssignmen...
ericsson ericsson
04:55 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
update hasil testing ess rohto overtime :
# yang sudah OK hasil testingnya adalah point berikut,
1. CondOTAssignm...
ericsson ericsson
04:12 PM BBG Bug #404: BBG - ESS Medical
Tolong di lanjut dgn task ini ya Lip
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
03:27 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421: ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
Dear Alip,
tolong di cek yaa, koordinasinya dgn erik dia yg bantu cek juga dr sisi settingan dulu saat ini
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
02:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (QA Test): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
Ade Sofiarani
02:22 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Developing): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
Ade Sofiarani
12:08 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424: LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
Dear Ade,
minta tolong yaa untuk penambahan field ini di report account balance
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:49 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #400 (Developing): IMFI - TM to Payroll Uang sisa Cuti
Tri Rizqiaty
09:25 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (QA Test): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
Tri Rizqiaty


06:14 PM ROHTO Bug #382: [Phase 2] PMS - Fungsi Form HR PMS
Dear Alip
ada minta perbaikan untuk urutan sequence yg sudah di diiskusikan sebelumnya.
Sequence yg ada di DB t...
01:40 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (Developing): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
Tri Rizqiaty


01:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Assigned): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
01:12 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Closed): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
Dear Team Devloper,
Mohon untuk dapat di tambahkan field *deskripsi item* pada report Account Balance, untuk pelet...
Andi Saputra
01:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423 (Assigned): LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
01:07 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423 (Closed): LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
Dear Team Devloper,
Mohon untuk dapat di tambahkan field berikut pada report Financial Postion Skontro, untuk desi...
Andi Saputra
10:43 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421 (Assigned): ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
tolong di bantu ya lip task cs....
tolong koordinasi dgn CS atau bs di bantu ama Erik
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:31 AM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
kondisi untuk membaca halfday sudah jalan lip,
tinggal yang field autoload sama yang sequance halfday durasi 4&8...
ericsson ericsson


07:05 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
CondOTAssignment Done: kalo dia 001 = 1 kalo dia 002 = 0
Untuk yang HalfDay Done.
Alip Sudin
03:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #422 (Closed): Report attendance summary dan report time sheet periode juni 2021 tidak sesuai hasil datanya
dear tim developer,
mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada report time sheet dan report attendance summary dengan ko...
Muhammad Bintar
12:11 PM RSM Phase II Support #416 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
Ade Sofiarani
12:11 PM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
Ade Sofiarani
12:10 PM RSM Phase II Support #412 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
Ade Sofiarani
12:09 PM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
Ade Sofiarani


12:03 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421 (Closed): ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
Dear Tim Developer, Mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada ESS Travel dimana pada saat melakukan pengisian form ESS y... Muhammad Bintar


01:41 PM BBG Bugs Bug #420 (Deploy): BBG - Overtime (Payroll)
Dear Tim Developer
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan perbaikan terkait dengan case overtime sbb :
1. Overtime Payr...
Andi Saputra
12:39 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
port :
Db :, 1438\SQLSERVER2012
ericsson ericsson
12:19 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
revisi terupdate untuk autofield,
1. StartDate_118 (Autofield, yang diinput ditable PDSWFMDOVERTIME field DateFrom...
ericsson ericsson
12:13 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
Tolong dibuatkan autoload untuk field2 berikut ini:
1. StartDate_118 (Autofield, yang diinput ditable PDSWFMDOVERT...
ericsson ericsson
11:14 AM ROHTO Support #419 (Assigned): [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
11:13 AM ROHTO Support #419 (Closed): [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan condition berikut:
1. *CondOTAssignment* :
a. cond_assignment_no: Jika fieldID 'Not...


03:35 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (QA Test): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
Ade Sofiarani
03:35 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (Developing): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
Ade Sofiarani
11:08 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #417: ASBI - HR Finish Payroll
ini untuk payroll group VP Down
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:54 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #417 (QA Test): ASBI - HR Finish Payroll
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan pengecekan dan perbaikan terkait dengan proses finish payrol...
Andi Saputra
11:03 AM RSM Phase II Support #418 (Assigned): My Work Place - My Attendance Report (adjusment design seperti attendance monthly pada hr) #update
11:02 AM RSM Phase II Support #418 (Closed): My Work Place - My Attendance Report (adjusment design seperti attendance monthly pada hr) #update
Dear Developer,
please help untuk adjust design dan konten +report My Attendance pada menu My Work Place+ sesuai d...
10:38 AM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
10:37 AM RSM Phase II Support #416: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
_Pengerjaan pada,
Port Cloud
akun pass Langit_Biru1011_DB 45.251.7...
10:36 AM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
Dear Developer,
please help untuk adjust Konten Result dari *Report Attendance berikut* ,
_Report HR,_
10:03 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport


05:23 PM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
02:20 PM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
mohon bantuannya untuk di apply pada Mobile juga.. Anonymous
11:03 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
03:55 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (Deploy): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
ericsson ericsson
01:52 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (QA Test): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
Saswanto Tampan
10:47 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388: Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
Erik tolong dibantu yaa dr sisi settingan2 kalau ada yg kurang
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:38 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (Assigned): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
tolong di fixing ya lip, terkait dgn bugs client soalnya jd urgent.
Detail koordinasi dgn bintar/andi ya
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:48 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385: Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body
erik, ini juga ya tolong dibantu
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:13 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385: Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body

update file hardcode di :
Muhammad Bintar
09:42 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385 (Assigned): Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body
ini jg yaa lip, tolong karena bugs client
Koreksi sedikit, jika assignment note nya adalah cash tidak perlu posting ...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti


05:06 PM CNAF Support #411 (QA Test): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
Ade Sofiarani
05:05 PM CNAF Support #411 (Developing): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
Ade Sofiarani
05:05 PM CNAF Support #411 (Assigned): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
Ade Sofiarani
04:04 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407: RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
Please spesify the table mas erik... Anonymous
03:56 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407: RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
terdapat penambahan beberapa class & Figure seperti :
ericsson ericsson
03:51 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
Dear MAs Debelober,,
masih revise karena result masih double, seperi pic terlampir...
selection hanya satu Empl...
12:33 PM RSM Phase II Feature #270 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Delete Req ID (show name desc) #2 #Improvement
12:09 PM RSM Phase II Feature #270 (Deploy): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Delete Req ID (show name desc) #2 #Improvement
mas alip,,
Udah di test ya,,
tolong Deploy pada Production..
12:09 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #415 (QA Test): ASBI - ESS My Payslip
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk diperbaiki report ESS My Payslip, kondisi saat ini apabila di akali de...
Andi Saputra
11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
11:17 AM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk revise report dengan iD berikut, lanjutan dari redmine #398
*MenuID TMR...
11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #413 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - My Leave Report (adjusment design seperti leave quota hr) #update
11:20 AM RSM Phase II Support #413 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - My Leave Report (adjusment design seperti leave quota hr) #update
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk revise report dengan iD berikut *untuk di Adjust design sebagaimana dengan ...
11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk adjusment, untuk
Tipe Cuti Tahunan Quota *Deduct Y pada tabel PHRTMABSTY...
11:28 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
11:03 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
Ade Sofiarani
10:41 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Revise): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
10:40 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383: RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
Dear Mba Ade,
Result test,
* Blank Selection, OK
* LOB Selection, OK
* Div Selection, Ok
* Level Selection, ...


11:28 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Feature #335 (Revise): [After UAT - Phase 1] - TM - Report - Timesheet BWS
Dear team, if project running again. let me know ya. Thank u Ade Sofiarani
11:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
Ade Sofiarani
11:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Developing): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
Ade Sofiarani
10:39 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376 (Closed): Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
Muhammad Bintar
10:38 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376: Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
Sudah di takeout
Muhammad Bintar
10:38 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #280 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi masa kkontrak PKWT
Muhammad Bintar
10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #280 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi masa kkontrak PKWT
sudah di tes dan running di ASBI Muhammad Bintar
10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #279 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi Pegawai Baru
sudah berhasil deploy ke ASBI.
Muhammad Bintar
10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #279 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi Pegawai Baru
Muhammad Bintar
10:36 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #278 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi birthday
Muhammad Bintar
10:36 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #278 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi birthday
Sudah berhasil di deploy ke ASBI nya.
Muhammad Bintar
10:31 AM CNAF Support #411 (Closed): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk Organisasi code (00000661 - 00001086) agar masuk ke lv staff (bkn lv d...
Andi Saputra


04:30 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
Saswanto Tampan
04:19 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (QA Test): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
Tri Rizqiaty
04:19 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (Developing): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
Tri Rizqiaty
04:18 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (QA Test): Lenght Amount Loan
Tri Rizqiaty
04:18 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Assigned): Lenght Amount Loan
Fixing :
Penambahan dicontroller registered : HR_LOAN_IMFI, sesuai file excel terlampir
Extension library : IMFI....
Tri Rizqiaty
03:00 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (QA Test): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
Ade Sofiarani
02:59 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (Developing): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
Ade Sofiarani
09:52 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (Closed): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan pengecekan terkait dengan report Employee Assignment saat in...
Andi Saputra
02:18 PM RSM Phase II Support #410 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix stopper)
Contoh Case,
*Poin 1 , requester adalah staff yg menjabat sebagai head (2nd Job), dan tipe cuti (1 leveling) pada ...
01:51 PM RSM Phase II Support #410 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix stopper)
Dear Debelober...
please help untuk membuat penjagaan matrix approval, apabila case..
* Tipe cuti leveling 1 Ap...
11:53 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
11:53 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Assigned): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
10:04 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376 (QA Test): Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
Saswanto Tampan
06:44 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Deploy): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Andi Saputra
06:36 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Developing): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Testing ok & sudah deploy client, makasih ade. Andi Saputra


02:06 PM RSM Phase II Bug #408 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (draft to submit)
Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk pengecekan Feature Draft..
Bug ketika Draft yang sudah disimpan (tergene...
01:48 PM IMFI Bugs Support #384: IMFI - Cuti Istri Karyawan Melahirkan/Keguguran
hold dulu ya task ini, karena ini CR...bukan termasuk bugs di cakupan AM
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti


09:59 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!


06:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (QA Test): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Ade Sofiarani
06:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Developing): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Ade Sofiarani
05:28 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394: IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
berikut bbrp detail ssi diskusi dgn Yuni ya:
Flag 0 (dibawah PTKP) : yg muncul hanya yg MT nya 0
Flag 1 (diatas PTK...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
04:18 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407 (Assigned): RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
04:18 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
Dear Developer,
please help untuk create new data set Report Statistik,
secara functional sudah dilengkapi pada...
04:10 PM RSM Phase II Bug #406: RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
revise untuk..
Request on Going Cuti Haid (260) agar allow untuk bulan lain...seperti data Cuti Haid yang sudah Fi...
01:29 PM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
Dear mas wanto,
mohon bantuannya untuk fixing temuan bug (cannot Submit) untuk period leave dan cuti haji, juga va...
04:09 PM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
04:08 PM RSM Phase II Bug #379 (Closed): RSM II - TM - Leave Absence Data (validasi delete data cuti) #bugclient
04:08 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
04:07 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
01:52 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Ade Sofiarani
02:20 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (QA Test): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
sesuai diskusi sudah diimplement di client. Ade Sofiarani
01:39 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (Revise): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
Dear Ade,
berikut ya hasil test nya:
1. Report DUTK nya masih double hasilnya dan keluarnya juga masih lama bgt unt...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:28 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (QA Test): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
Dear Yomma,
berikut yaa bbrp cattaan tambahan terkait dgn modul rec dan talent:
1. Search di md applicant dan searc...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
07:15 AM BBG Bug #404 (QA Test): BBG - ESS Medical
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon untuk dapat dibatasi pengajuan ESS Medical Claim apabila sudah tidak mempunyai plafon m...
Andi Saputra


05:08 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
Dear mas Saswas,
masih ada revise,
pada day type yang flagfree, record menamiplkan blank yang seharusnya muncul...
01:38 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk adjust dari design report attendance monthly berikut,(design terlampir), da...
05:06 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
as gtalk chat..
masih ada slight revise y mba ade...
04:30 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Ade Sofiarani
04:07 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
dear mas developer,
punteenn atuhh...
minta bantuannya untuk tambahan kolom as feedback from user..
02:20 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394: IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Nama filter nya adalah 'Flag PTKP':
- Di bawah PTKP
- Di atas PTKP
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
02:12 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390: IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
ini berlaku untuk data apapun yg diinput duluan yaa, jadi saling cross check
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
01:53 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #293 (Deploy): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek IMFI
Testing & Deploy ok, thanks Ade Andi Saputra
01:52 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #292 (Deploy): IMFI - Rpt Pension
Testing & Deploy ok, thanks ade Andi Saputra
01:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Developing): Lenght Amount Loan
Tri Rizqiaty
01:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Deploy): IMFI - Report All Employee
Testing & Deploy ok, thanks ade Andi Saputra
10:31 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (QA Test): IMFI - Report All Employee
Ade Sofiarani
10:31 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Developing): IMFI - Report All Employee
Ade Sofiarani
11:15 AM BANK FAMA Bug #402 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Performance Management System
Dear, Team Developer.
Tolong dibantu untuk proses saving Hasil Calculated dari PMS Review dan final ke PHRPA0047.
ericsson ericsson
09:25 AM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #389 (QA Test): [Finance] Periode Awal Tahun
Tri Rizqiaty
09:24 AM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #389 (Developing): [Finance] Periode Awal Tahun
Tri Rizqiaty
09:24 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342 (QA Test): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
Tri Rizqiaty
09:22 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (QA Test): TUMAN - Training Implementation
Ade Sofiarani
09:22 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (Developing): TUMAN - Training Implementation
Ade Sofiarani


06:33 PM RSM Phase II Bug #311 (Closed): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Notifikasi pengajuan cuti
06:29 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
06:23 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (QA Test): TUMAN - Training Implementation
Dear tim dev,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditakeout mandatori filter Training Event
port :
Andi Saputra
05:33 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342: ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
Dear Yomma,
done yaa untuk all poin diatas.
Namun yg msh belum clear adalah hasil search di md applicant master dat...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
04:50 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Assigned): Lenght Amount Loan
04:23 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Deploy): Lenght Amount Loan
Dear Team Developer
Minta tolong untuk AMOUNT LOAN agar bisa dimasukan lebih dari 10 digit. Karena yang sekarang h...
04:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #400 (Developing): IMFI - TM to Payroll Uang sisa Cuti
Dear Team Developer.
Mohon untuk dibuatkan figur Uang sisa cuci yang akan tergenerate sesuai kondisi:
1. akan ter...
04:22 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Dear developer,
masih ada revise untuk
*ID Report 3000009
MenuID TMR0005*
Result dari Data cuti PA18 sehar...
10:45 AM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Ade Sofiarani
10:45 AM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Ade Sofiarani
03:46 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Developing): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)


06:40 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
Dear Developer,
mohon tambahkan validasi ini sesuai logic pada web untuk check konsistensi matrix dengan data Emp...
05:56 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Revise): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
10:37 AM RSM Phase II Feature #332: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
05:58 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
Mohon tim Dev untuk tambahkan Colomn CreateDate pada result Report..
Check From PA18 to get > StartDate...
05:55 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
05:55 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
05:53 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk update result report, file Terlampir
*ID Report 3000009
MenuID TMR0005*...
05:02 PM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Assigned): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
03:17 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (QA Test): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
Ade Sofiarani
03:17 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (Developing): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
Ade Sofiarani
10:49 AM PT AMARTHA MICRO FINTEK BUGS Bug #318 (Closed): Outbox & History pada Aplikasi Mobile tidak tampil data history nya
oke solved Muhammad Bintar
10:48 AM PT AMARTHA MICRO FINTEK BUGS Bug #318: Outbox & History pada Aplikasi Mobile tidak tampil data history nya
oke udah solved Muhammad Bintar
10:38 AM RSM Phase II Feature #307: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
10:37 AM RSM Phase II Feature #316: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #344: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (condition approval matrix update) #update
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #380: RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (workflow report, organization recap)
Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #380 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (workflow report, organization recap)
10:35 AM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Assigned): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
_Pengerjaan pada,
akun Login : MANAGERMINOVA pass 123Aa
*DB ,1442\SQ...
10:34 AM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
Dear Developer,
pls help untuk create new data set pada report generator untuk kebutuhan check konsistensi matrix,...
10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
09:28 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #396 (Closed): TUMAN - Mobile ATK & Cetakan
Dear tim dev,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan perbaikan terkait dengan Mobile ATK & Cetakan, saat ini casenya ket...
Andi Saputra
07:32 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Deploy): IMFI - Report All Employee
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya Penambahan filter range atau bisa mem filter 2 Employee Status sekaligus
Andi Saputra
07:30 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Closed): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya Penambahan filter pada report SPT Bulanan untuk membedakan employee2 yang t...
Andi Saputra
07:28 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (QA Test): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya terkait dengan perhitungan pot GP,UM & UT yang saat ini masih selilsih 1-2 r...
Andi Saputra
07:26 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #392 (Assigned): IMFI - Durasi Overtime > 5 Jam hari libur/ hari raya
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya apabila ada data overtime lebih dari 5 jam di hari libur/hari raya, system l...
Andi Saputra
07:22 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #391 (QA Test): IMFI - Sabtu, Minggu / Hari Libur jika di upload Attandance Typenya sudah otomatis P1
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditambahkan validasi jika upload data finger maka membaca day type pad...
Andi Saputra
07:20 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (QA Test): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditambahkan validasi apabila ada data Attandance/Cuti dengan tgl yang ...
Andi Saputra

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