From 06/11/2021 to 07/10/2021
- 03:09 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- Dear Alip,
Mohon update yaa untuk catatan yg msh belum solve
- 01:50 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423: LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
- untuk FSTemplatContent nya C10 ya
- 04:56 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- update hasil testing ess rohto overtime :
yang sudah OK hasil testingnya adalah point berikut,
1. CondOTAssignmen... - 04:55 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- update hasil testing ess rohto overtime :
# yang sudah OK hasil testingnya adalah point berikut,
1. CondOTAssignm... - 04:12 PM BBG Bug #404: BBG - ESS Medical
- Tolong di lanjut dgn task ini ya Lip
- 03:27 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421: ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
- Dear Alip,
tolong di cek yaa, koordinasinya dgn erik dia yg bantu cek juga dr sisi settingan dulu saat ini
Tks - 02:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (QA Test): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
- 02:22 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Developing): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
- 12:08 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424: LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
- Dear Ade,
minta tolong yaa untuk penambahan field ini di report account balance
- 09:49 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #400 (Developing): IMFI - TM to Payroll Uang sisa Cuti
- 09:25 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (QA Test): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
- 06:14 PM ROHTO Bug #382: [Phase 2] PMS - Fungsi Form HR PMS
- Dear Alip
ada minta perbaikan untuk urutan sequence yg sudah di diiskusikan sebelumnya.
Sequence yg ada di DB t... - 01:40 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (Developing): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
- 01:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Assigned): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
- 01:12 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #424 (Closed): LPPOM - CR Rpt Account Balance
- Dear Team Devloper,
Mohon untuk dapat di tambahkan field *deskripsi item* pada report Account Balance, untuk pelet... - 01:23 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423 (Assigned): LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
- 01:07 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #423 (Closed): LPPOM - CR Report Financial Postion Skontro
- Dear Team Devloper,
Mohon untuk dapat di tambahkan field berikut pada report Financial Postion Skontro, untuk desi... - 10:43 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421 (Assigned): ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
- tolong di bantu ya lip task cs....
tolong koordinasi dgn CS atau bs di bantu ama Erik
- 09:31 AM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- kondisi untuk membaca halfday sudah jalan lip,
tinggal yang field autoload sama yang sequance halfday durasi 4&8...
- 07:05 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- CondOTAssignment Done: kalo dia 001 = 1 kalo dia 002 = 0
Untuk yang HalfDay Done. - 03:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #422 (Closed): Report attendance summary dan report time sheet periode juni 2021 tidak sesuai hasil datanya
- dear tim developer,
mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada report time sheet dan report attendance summary dengan ko... - 12:11 PM RSM Phase II Support #416 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
- 12:11 PM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
- 12:10 PM RSM Phase II Support #412 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
- 12:09 PM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
- 12:03 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #421 (Closed): ESS Travel tidak posting travel cost
- Dear Tim Developer, Mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada ESS Travel dimana pada saat melakukan pengisian form ESS y...
- 01:41 PM BBG Bugs Bug #420 (Deploy): BBG - Overtime (Payroll)
- Dear Tim Developer
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan perbaikan terkait dengan case overtime sbb :
1. Overtime Payr... - 12:39 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- port :
Db :, 1438\SQLSERVER2012
MinovaES_Rohto_Dev - 12:19 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- revisi terupdate untuk autofield,
1. StartDate_118 (Autofield, yang diinput ditable PDSWFMDOVERTIME field DateFrom... - 12:13 PM ROHTO Support #419: [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- Tolong dibuatkan autoload untuk field2 berikut ini:
1. StartDate_118 (Autofield, yang diinput ditable PDSWFMDOVERT... - 11:14 AM ROHTO Support #419 (Assigned): [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- 11:13 AM ROHTO Support #419 (Closed): [phase 1] - ESS Overtime for Generate Absence Half Day
- Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan condition berikut:
1. *CondOTAssignment* :
a. cond_assignment_no: Jika fieldID 'Not...
- 03:35 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (QA Test): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
- 03:35 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (Developing): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
- 11:08 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #417: ASBI - HR Finish Payroll
- ini untuk payroll group VP Down
- 10:54 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #417 (QA Test): ASBI - HR Finish Payroll
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan pengecekan dan perbaikan terkait dengan proses finish payrol... - 11:03 AM RSM Phase II Support #418 (Assigned): My Work Place - My Attendance Report (adjusment design seperti attendance monthly pada hr) #update
- 11:02 AM RSM Phase II Support #418 (Closed): My Work Place - My Attendance Report (adjusment design seperti attendance monthly pada hr) #update
- Dear Developer,
please help untuk adjust design dan konten +report My Attendance pada menu My Work Place+ sesuai d... - 10:38 AM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
- 10:37 AM RSM Phase II Support #416: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
- _Pengerjaan pada,
Port Cloud
akun pass Langit_Biru1011_DB 45.251.7... - 10:36 AM RSM Phase II Support #416 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance #adjustment (result record data cuti dibuat blank)
- Dear Developer,
please help untuk adjust Konten Result dari *Report Attendance berikut* ,
_Report HR,_
(Report... - 10:03 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- 05:23 PM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
- 02:20 PM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
- mohon bantuannya untuk di apply pada Mobile juga..
- 11:03 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
- 03:55 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (Deploy): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
- !clipboard-202106251555-0rhnj.png!
- 01:52 PM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (QA Test): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
- 10:47 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388: Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
- Erik tolong dibantu yaa dr sisi settingan2 kalau ada yg kurang
- 09:38 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #388 (Assigned): Perbaikan ESS Leave pada saat memlih cuti khusus
- tolong di fixing ya lip, terkait dgn bugs client soalnya jd urgent.
Detail koordinasi dgn bintar/andi ya
- 10:48 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385: Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body
- erik, ini juga ya tolong dibantu
- 10:13 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385: Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body
update file hardcode di :
Ta...- 09:42 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #385 (Assigned): Perbaikan ESS Overtime pada Table Body
- ini jg yaa lip, tolong karena bugs client
Koreksi sedikit, jika assignment note nya adalah cash tidak perlu posting ...
- 05:06 PM CNAF Support #411 (QA Test): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
- 05:05 PM CNAF Support #411 (Developing): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
- 05:05 PM CNAF Support #411 (Assigned): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
- 04:04 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407: RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
- Please spesify the table mas erik...
- 03:56 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407: RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
- terdapat penambahan beberapa class & Figure seperti :
R... - 03:51 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
- Dear MAs Debelober,,
masih revise karena result masih double, seperi pic terlampir...
selection hanya satu Empl... - 12:33 PM RSM Phase II Feature #270 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Delete Req ID (show name desc) #2 #Improvement
- 12:09 PM RSM Phase II Feature #270 (Deploy): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Delete Req ID (show name desc) #2 #Improvement
- mas alip,,
Udah di test ya,,
tolong Deploy pada Production..
PROD... - 12:09 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #415 (QA Test): ASBI - ESS My Payslip
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk diperbaiki report ESS My Payslip, kondisi saat ini apabila di akali de... - 11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
- 11:17 AM RSM Phase II Support #412 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #2 #revise
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk revise report dengan iD berikut, lanjutan dari redmine #398
*MenuID TMR... - 11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #413 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - My Leave Report (adjusment design seperti leave quota hr) #update
- 11:20 AM RSM Phase II Support #413 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - My Leave Report (adjusment design seperti leave quota hr) #update
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk revise report dengan iD berikut *untuk di Adjust design sebagaimana dengan ... - 11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
- 11:40 AM RSM Phase II Support #414 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave #adjustment
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk adjusment, untuk
Tipe Cuti Tahunan Quota *Deduct Y pada tabel PHRTMABSTY... - 11:28 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 11:03 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 10:41 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Revise): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 10:40 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383: RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- Dear Mba Ade,
Result test,
* Blank Selection, OK
* LOB Selection, OK
* Div Selection, Ok
* Level Selection, ...
- 11:28 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Feature #335 (Revise): [After UAT - Phase 1] - TM - Report - Timesheet BWS
- Dear team, if project running again. let me know ya. Thank u
- 11:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 11:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Developing): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 10:39 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376 (Closed): Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
- 10:38 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376: Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
- update:
Sudah di takeout - 10:38 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #280 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi masa kkontrak PKWT
- 10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #280 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi masa kkontrak PKWT
- sudah di tes dan running di ASBI
- 10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #279 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi Pegawai Baru
- update:
sudah berhasil deploy ke ASBI. - 10:37 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #279 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi Pegawai Baru
- 10:36 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #278 (Closed): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi birthday
- 10:36 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #278 (Deploy): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi birthday
- Update:
Sudah berhasil di deploy ke ASBI nya. - 10:31 AM CNAF Support #411 (Closed): CNAF - Report OJK Div - Hardcod OM di SP
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk Organisasi code (00000661 - 00001086) agar masuk ke lv staff (bkn lv d...
- 04:30 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
- 04:19 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (QA Test): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
- 04:19 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (Developing): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
- 04:18 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (QA Test): Lenght Amount Loan
- 04:18 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Assigned): Lenght Amount Loan
- Fixing :
Penambahan dicontroller registered : HR_LOAN_IMFI, sesuai file excel terlampir
Extension library : IMFI.... - 03:00 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (QA Test): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
- 02:59 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (Developing): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
- 09:52 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #409 (Closed): IMFI - Report Employee Assignment
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan pengecekan terkait dengan report Employee Assignment saat in... - 02:18 PM RSM Phase II Support #410 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix stopper)
- Contoh Case,
*Poin 1 , requester adalah staff yg menjabat sebagai head (2nd Job), dan tipe cuti (1 leveling) pada ... - 01:51 PM RSM Phase II Support #410 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix stopper)
- Dear Debelober...
please help untuk membuat penjagaan matrix approval, apabila case..
* Tipe cuti leveling 1 Ap... - 11:53 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
- 11:53 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Assigned): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
- 10:04 AM ROHTO BUGS Bug #376 (QA Test): Perbaikan TVLAUNDRY pada menu HR - Travel Document
- 06:44 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Deploy): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- 06:36 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Developing): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- Testing ok & sudah deploy client, makasih ade.
- 02:06 PM RSM Phase II Bug #408 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (draft to submit)
- Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk pengecekan Feature Draft..
Bug ketika Draft yang sudah disimpan (tergene... - 01:48 PM IMFI Bugs Support #384: IMFI - Cuti Istri Karyawan Melahirkan/Keguguran
- hold dulu ya task ini, karena ini CR...bukan termasuk bugs di cakupan AM
- 09:59 AM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 06:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (QA Test): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- 06:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Developing): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- 05:28 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394: IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- berikut bbrp detail ssi diskusi dgn Yuni ya:
Flag 0 (dibawah PTKP) : yg muncul hanya yg MT nya 0
Flag 1 (diatas PTK... - 04:18 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407 (Assigned): RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
- 04:18 PM RSM Phase II Feature #407 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Statistik Report (new dataset)
- Dear Developer,
please help untuk create new data set Report Statistik,
secara functional sudah dilengkapi pada... - 04:10 PM RSM Phase II Bug #406: RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
- revise untuk..
Request on Going Cuti Haid (260) agar allow untuk bulan lain...seperti data Cuti Haid yang sudah Fi... - 01:29 PM RSM Phase II Bug #406 (Closed): RSM II - Mobile - ESS Leave (cannot submit, validasi adjusment)
- Dear mas wanto,
mohon bantuannya untuk fixing temuan bug (cannot Submit) untuk period leave dan cuti haji, juga va... - 04:09 PM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
- 04:08 PM RSM Phase II Bug #379 (Closed): RSM II - TM - Leave Absence Data (validasi delete data cuti) #bugclient
- 04:08 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- 04:07 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 01:52 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 02:20 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (QA Test): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
- sesuai diskusi sudah diimplement di client.
- 01:39 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (Revise): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
- Dear Ade,
berikut ya hasil test nya:
1. Report DUTK nya masih double hasilnya dan keluarnya juga masih lama bgt unt... - 10:28 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #405 (QA Test): [REC] MD Applicant dan Applicant Profile
- Dear Yomma,
berikut yaa bbrp cattaan tambahan terkait dgn modul rec dan talent:
1. Search di md applicant dan searc... - 07:15 AM BBG Bug #404 (QA Test): BBG - ESS Medical
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon untuk dapat dibatasi pengajuan ESS Medical Claim apabila sudah tidak mempunyai plafon m...
- 05:08 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
- Dear mas Saswas,
masih ada revise,
pada day type yang flagfree, record menamiplkan blank yang seharusnya muncul... - 01:38 PM RSM Phase II Feature #403 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance Monthly (update)
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk adjust dari design report attendance monthly berikut,(design terlampir), da... - 05:06 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- as gtalk chat..
masih ada slight revise y mba ade...
- 04:30 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 04:07 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- dear mas developer,
punteenn atuhh...
minta bantuannya untuk tambahan kolom as feedback from user..
*(design... - 02:20 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #394: IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- Nama filter nya adalah 'Flag PTKP':
- Di bawah PTKP
- Di atas PTKP
- 02:12 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #390: IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
- ini berlaku untuk data apapun yg diinput duluan yaa, jadi saling cross check
- 01:53 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #293 (Deploy): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek IMFI
- Testing & Deploy ok, thanks Ade
- 01:52 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #292 (Deploy): IMFI - Rpt Pension
- Testing & Deploy ok, thanks ade
- 01:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Developing): Lenght Amount Loan
- 01:45 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Deploy): IMFI - Report All Employee
- Testing & Deploy ok, thanks ade
- 10:31 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (QA Test): IMFI - Report All Employee
- !clipboard-202106161031-w9moe.png!
- 10:31 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Developing): IMFI - Report All Employee
- 11:15 AM BANK FAMA Bug #402 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Performance Management System
- Dear, Team Developer.
Tolong dibantu untuk proses saving Hasil Calculated dari PMS Review dan final ke PHRPA0047.
... - 09:25 AM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #389 (QA Test): [Finance] Periode Awal Tahun
- 09:24 AM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #389 (Developing): [Finance] Periode Awal Tahun
- 09:24 AM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342 (QA Test): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- 09:22 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (QA Test): TUMAN - Training Implementation
- 09:22 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (Developing): TUMAN - Training Implementation
- 06:33 PM RSM Phase II Bug #311 (Closed): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Notifikasi pengajuan cuti
- 06:29 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 06:23 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #401 (QA Test): TUMAN - Training Implementation
- Dear tim dev,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditakeout mandatori filter Training Event
port : - 05:33 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342: ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- Dear Yomma,
done yaa untuk all poin diatas.
Namun yg msh belum clear adalah hasil search di md applicant master dat... - 04:50 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Assigned): Lenght Amount Loan
- 04:23 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #399 (Deploy): Lenght Amount Loan
- Dear Team Developer
Minta tolong untuk AMOUNT LOAN agar bisa dimasukan lebih dari 10 digit. Karena yang sekarang h... - 04:49 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #400 (Developing): IMFI - TM to Payroll Uang sisa Cuti
- Dear Team Developer.
Mohon untuk dibuatkan figur Uang sisa cuci yang akan tergenerate sesuai kondisi:
1. akan ter... - 04:22 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- Dear developer,
masih ada revise untuk
*ID Report 3000009
MenuID TMR0005*
Result dari Data cuti PA18 sehar... - 10:45 AM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 10:45 AM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 03:46 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Developing): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- 06:40 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- Dear Developer,
mohon tambahkan validasi ini sesuai logic pada web untuk check konsistensi matrix dengan data Emp... - 05:56 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Revise): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- 10:37 AM RSM Phase II Feature #332: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 05:58 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- Revise,
Mohon tim Dev untuk tambahkan Colomn CreateDate pada result Report..
Check From PA18 to get > StartDate... - 05:55 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- 10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- 05:55 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Assigned): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- 05:53 PM RSM Phase II Feature #398 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave Quota #update #report
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk update result report, file Terlampir
*ID Report 3000009
MenuID TMR0005*... - 05:02 PM RSM Phase II Feature #383 (Assigned): RSM II - PA Report - Employee History (new selection level/lob/div)#3 #Update
- 03:17 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (QA Test): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
- 03:17 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #294 (Developing): IMFI - Rpt Jamsostek
- 10:49 AM PT AMARTHA MICRO FINTEK BUGS Bug #318 (Closed): Outbox & History pada Aplikasi Mobile tidak tampil data history nya
- oke solved
- 10:48 AM PT AMARTHA MICRO FINTEK BUGS Bug #318: Outbox & History pada Aplikasi Mobile tidak tampil data history nya
- oke udah solved
- 10:38 AM RSM Phase II Feature #307: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 10:37 AM RSM Phase II Feature #316: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #344: RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (condition approval matrix update) #update
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 10:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #380: RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (workflow report, organization recap)
- Done Tested and Closed, OK to Deploy !!
- 10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #380 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (workflow report, organization recap)
- 10:35 AM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Assigned): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
- _Pengerjaan pada,
akun Login : MANAGERMINOVA pass 123Aa
*DB ,1442\SQ... - 10:34 AM RSM Phase II Feature #397 (Closed): RSM II - BI - Report Generator New Dataset (matrix consistency report)
- Dear Developer,
pls help untuk create new data set pada report generator untuk kebutuhan check konsistensi matrix,... - 10:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- 09:28 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #396 (Closed): TUMAN - Mobile ATK & Cetakan
- Dear tim dev,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dilakukan perbaikan terkait dengan Mobile ATK & Cetakan, saat ini casenya ket... - 07:32 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #395 (Deploy): IMFI - Report All Employee
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya Penambahan filter range atau bisa mem filter 2 Employee Status sekaligus
... - 07:30 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #394 (Closed): IMFI - Report SPT Bulanan
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya Penambahan filter pada report SPT Bulanan untuk membedakan employee2 yang t... - 07:28 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #393 (QA Test): IMFI - Perhitungan Pot. GP, UM, & UT di TM to Payroll
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya terkait dengan perhitungan pot GP,UM & UT yang saat ini masih selilsih 1-2 r... - 07:26 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #392 (Assigned): IMFI - Durasi Overtime > 5 Jam hari libur/ hari raya
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya apabila ada data overtime lebih dari 5 jam di hari libur/hari raya, system l... - 07:22 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #391 (QA Test): IMFI - Sabtu, Minggu / Hari Libur jika di upload Attandance Typenya sudah otomatis P1
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditambahkan validasi jika upload data finger maka membaca day type pad... - 07:20 AM IMFI Bugs Bug #390 (QA Test): IMFI - Validasi Time Management (Attandance & Cuti)
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditambahkan validasi apabila ada data Attandance/Cuti dengan tgl yang ...
- 06:42 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- Dear Developer,
Mohon revise untuk reportID *RPTATTRSM* , menuID *TMRATTRSM*
Fungsikan untuk selection by Level... - 06:21 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- 02:50 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- 02:50 PM RSM Phase II Feature #339 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
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