Tri Rizqiaty's activity
From 05/13/2021 to 06/11/2021
- 02:16 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342 (Developing): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- 02:15 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature #342 (Assigned): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- 02:08 PM HINO Bugs Bug #386 (QA Test): HINO - Report BPJS Kesehatan
- 02:08 PM HINO Bugs Bug #386 (Developing): HINO - Report BPJS Kesehatan
- 04:19 PM MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature #285 (QA Test): [FIN] - Konversi Currency
- Fixing :
1. Update dll API1 & API2 : MinovaIS.Implementation.Data.FILO.Logging.dll
2. Update paramter sesuai exce...
- 04:36 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #352 (QA Test): TUMAN - Payroll Proses Prorate
- Fixing :
1. Penambahan field TaxTreatment di table PCMEPEMPTYP
2. Copypaste dll PY, dengan source dll dari BWS - 04:35 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Bug #352 (Developing): TUMAN - Payroll Proses Prorate
- 04:34 PM Bank Mega Bug #349: Mega - MD Absence HR
- Fixing :
1. Execute SP GetDurationLeave yang terlampir
2. Copy Paste dll terlampir di folder extenstion libraries... - 04:21 PM Bank Mega Bug #349 (QA Test): Mega - MD Absence HR
- 04:20 PM Bank Mega Bug #349 (Developing): Mega - MD Absence HR
- 05:35 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Support #346: [HR] Payroll - Loan Pelunasan non Payroll
- Fixing :
1. Update dll di API2 : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.BN.dll
2. Update UI - app - controller - masterdata - l... - 05:33 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Support #346 (QA Test): [HR] Payroll - Loan Pelunasan non Payroll
- 05:32 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Support #346 (Developing): [HR] Payroll - Loan Pelunasan non Payroll
- 05:07 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #325 (QA Test): [HR] Payroll - Periode Payroll 21/20 dengan Working Day Actual dan Cut off timesheet di payroll parameter
- Fixing untuk konversi currency juga ya :
1. Update payroll param / table PHRPYCU0307 : CONVTYPECURRHRPAY = HR , DE... - 04:08 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Feature #253: LPPOM - Accounting Income Payment
- Berikut fixing untuk validasi finance document, period control & logging period :
1. Copy Paste parameter di file ... - 04:08 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #242: [Finance] Log Period Control dan Validasi
- Berikut fixing untuk validasi finance document, period control & logging period :
1. Copy Paste parameter di file ... - 04:08 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #255: [Finance] Validasi Dokumen Transaksi
- Berikut fixing untuk validasi finance document, period control & logging period :
1. Copy Paste parameter di file ...
- 10:18 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #325 (QA Test): [HR] Payroll - Periode Payroll 21/20 dengan Working Day Actual dan Cut off timesheet di payroll parameter
- 04:12 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #325 (Developing): [HR] Payroll - Periode Payroll 21/20 dengan Working Day Actual dan Cut off timesheet di payroll parameter
- 04:15 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #321 (QA Test): Perubahan backend score pada Empoyee Profile yang masih salah membaca referensi.
- Fixing :
Rubah isi field 'controller_store_emp' & 'controller_store_app' di table 'hr_md_field' dengan code '0045'... - 04:11 PM Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug #321 (Developing): Perubahan backend score pada Empoyee Profile yang masih salah membaca referensi.
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