


Aden Baihaqi's activity

From 12/01/2020 to 12/30/2020


06:09 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #58 (Revise): ACCOUNTING - Validasi Upload Jurnal
Beberapa validasi sudah muncul dan sesuai. Tapi utk item ada beberapa validasi yg tidak sesuai dengan kondisi data.
Aden Baihaqi
04:59 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #101: ESS ATK - Autofill DocItemID hilang
Sudah Done. Tapi bisa jadi issue klo user add item tapi tidak di isi. Saat submit lolos dan di RunBizdata jadi tidak ... Aden Baihaqi


11:35 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #101 (QA Test): ESS ATK - Autofill DocItemID hilang
Aden Baihaqi
11:35 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #101 (Developing): ESS ATK - Autofill DocItemID hilang
Aden Baihaqi
11:35 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #101 (Assigned): ESS ATK - Autofill DocItemID hilang
Aden Baihaqi
11:21 AM BBG Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
11:19 AM BBG Feature #21: HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Done Aden Baihaqi
11:11 AM BBG Feature #21 (Deploy): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Done Aden Baihaqi
10:44 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #5 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Jurnal HR to ACC
Done Aden Baihaqi
05:41 AM BBG Feature #55 (Closed): Enhancement - Service Finger
Done Aden Baihaqi
05:36 AM BBG Bug #87 (Closed): HR - Simulation Payroll
Done Aden Baihaqi


06:54 PM BBG Bug #87 (Deploy): HR - Simulation Payroll
Aden Baihaqi
06:54 PM BBG Bug #87 (QA Test): HR - Simulation Payroll
Aden Baihaqi
11:10 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #5 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Jurnal HR to ACC
Deploy Cloud Aden Baihaqi
10:53 AM BBG Feature #55 (Deploy): Enhancement - Service Finger
Deploy ke Client Aden Baihaqi


11:26 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #101 (QA Test): ESS ATK - Autofill DocItemID hilang
Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan DocItemID autofill di Form Item ESS ATK. Sebelumnya sudah pernah ada, tapi terakhir di...
Aden Baihaqi
11:07 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #100 (Revise): ACCOUNTING - Otorisasi Jurnal by Company
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar Modul Akunting dapat di otorisasi saat transaksi dan laporan by Company
Aden Baihaqi
11:04 AM LPPOM HALAL Bug #3 (Revise): MOBILE - IOS Version Tidak sama dengan Android
Blm update di App store Aden Baihaqi


12:51 PM LPPOM HALAL bugs Bug #99 (Assigned): fixing perubahan flow saat pengajuan ESS cuti ke atasan approval
Aden Baihaqi
12:18 PM BBG Feature #27 (Closed): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Aden Baihaqi
10:18 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #5 (Revise): ACCOUNTING - Jurnal HR to ACC
-Cek Balance di report Posting GL
-Posting date dan Fiscal Period blm terisi--> Sudah ditambahkan Filter Po...
Aden Baihaqi


09:58 AM BBG Feature #27 (Deploy): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Deoloy ke Client
Any desk:
Aden Baihaqi


03:44 PM BBG Feature #90 (QA Test): Phase 1 - ESS Medical - Fitur On Behalf
Aden Baihaqi


05:11 PM PT ASABRI Bug #96 (Assigned): Relasi Assign employee to position
Dear tim dev,
mohon dibantu perbaikan berikut:
pada saat employee di assign to position di md assignment tidak me...
Aden Baihaqi
01:57 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #94 (QA Test): ESS Travel Task Approval dan Generate Attendance
Dear tim dev,
Pindahan dari redmine:
Setelah di test ulang,...
Aden Baihaqi
11:02 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #93 (Assigned): Phase 1 - ESS Mutasi Task Approval
Dear tim dev.
mohon dibantu untuk pembuatan task param yang melihat dari organisasi strukturenya sbb:
1. Task Par...
Aden Baihaqi
10:43 AM BBG Feature #55: Enhancement - Service Finger
-Koneksi harus VPN
-Database: MySQL
-port 3306
-IP :
-user : minova_public
-pass : M1nova4321
Aden Baihaqi


12:42 PM BBG Feature #17 (Closed): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Done deploy client utk semua settingan dan beberapa fungsi Dev:
Dear mang Aden,
Berikut Update Fungsi Retro dan...
Aden Baihaqi
10:06 AM BBG Feature #17 (Deploy): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Done 3 ESS Aden Baihaqi
11:13 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #32 (Deploy): HR - Report Training
Untuk 2 report yg sdh di fixing tolong deploy ke client
Aden Baihaqi
11:05 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #30 (Deploy): HR - Wizard recruitment save md personal data
Deploy ke Client ya Dev n Prod:
Any Desk Server Dev:
ID: 447791193/hcmtest
Pilih Console
Aden Baihaqi


03:11 PM BBG Feature #17 (Revise): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Tinggal yg travel belum Aden Baihaqi
03:09 PM PT ASABRI Bug #89 (Closed): ESS PMS - Fixing Condition NHA
Problemnya ternyata ada di Task Param MailtoDS dan MailToNHA. Logic error. dan sudah di fixing Alip
Aden Baihaqi


02:24 PM BBG Feature #21 (Revise): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Error Login saat di update di client Aden Baihaqi
01:58 PM PT ASABRI Bug #89 (Closed): ESS PMS - Fixing Condition NHA
Dear Dev,
Tolong di cek penyebab Cond NHA jika subtype >=8 resut salah
Aden Baihaqi
01:57 PM BBG Feature #20 (Revise): HR - OM Recap Future
Sesuai hasil test Andi di email blm bisa semua skenario. Aden Baihaqi
01:56 PM BBG Bug #87 (Revise): HR - Simulation Payroll
yg ini belum:
2. Saat simulate semua validasi Running seperti payment upto, payroll controll mode, Payroll group, Pa...
Aden Baihaqi
10:34 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #32 (Assigned): HR - Report Training
Aden Baihaqi


11:55 AM BBG Bug #87 (Closed): HR - Simulation Payroll
Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing beberapa case berikut:
1. Saat proses simulate payroll tetap save ke TR0302. Agar dapat t...
Aden Baihaqi
10:16 AM BBG Feature #67 (Closed): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Aden Baihaqi


11:14 AM BBG Feature #24 (Closed): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Done Aden Baihaqi


05:29 PM BBG Feature #67 (Deploy): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Aden Baihaqi
02:09 PM BBG Feature #25 (Closed): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Done Aden Baihaqi
02:08 PM BBG Feature #25 (Deploy): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi
02:06 PM BBG Feature #25 (QA Test): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi
02:06 PM BBG Feature #25 (Developing): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi
10:15 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59 (QA Test): PMS Goal HR dan ESS
Aden Baihaqi
10:15 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59 (Developing): PMS Goal HR dan ESS
Aden Baihaqi


05:42 PM BBG Feature #20 (QA Test): HR - OM Recap Future
Aden Baihaqi
05:42 PM BBG Feature #20 (Developing): HR - OM Recap Future
Aden Baihaqi
12:38 PM BBG Feature #15 (Closed): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Done Aden Baihaqi
12:34 PM BBG Feature #39 (Closed): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Done Aden Baihaqi
06:49 AM BBG Feature #39 (Deploy): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
06:49 AM BBG Feature #39 (QA Test): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
06:48 AM BBG Feature #39 (Developing): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
12:10 PM BBG Feature #26 (Closed): HR - Bugs Loan
Aden Baihaqi
12:09 PM BBG Feature #34 (Closed): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Done Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM BBG Feature #34 (Deploy): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM BBG Feature #34 (QA Test): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM BBG Feature #34 (Developing): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
11:46 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Closed): ERP - Button Back Master Data
Done Aden Baihaqi
11:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Done Aden Baihaqi
11:44 AM BBG Feature #14 (Closed): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Done Aden Baihaqi
07:06 AM LPPOM HALAL Bug #3 (QA Test): MOBILE - IOS Version Tidak sama dengan Android
Aden Baihaqi
07:06 AM LPPOM HALAL Bug #3 (Developing): MOBILE - IOS Version Tidak sama dengan Android
Aden Baihaqi
06:35 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #28 (Closed): ESS Education - Fungsi auto readonly
Aden Baihaqi
06:35 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #29 (Closed): HR - Payroll benefit default read only
Aden Baihaqi
06:33 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #29 (Deploy): HR - Payroll benefit default read only
Aden Baihaqi
06:33 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #29 (QA Test): HR - Payroll benefit default read only
Aden Baihaqi
06:33 AM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #29 (Developing): HR - Payroll benefit default read only
Aden Baihaqi


05:30 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Done Aden Baihaqi
05:06 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #28 (Deploy): ESS Education - Fungsi auto readonly
Aden Baihaqi
05:04 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #28 (QA Test): ESS Education - Fungsi auto readonly
Aden Baihaqi
05:04 PM PERTALIFE Bugs Feature #28 (Developing): ESS Education - Fungsi auto readonly
Aden Baihaqi
12:04 PM BBG Feature #71 (QA Test): API Mobile Travel
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Travel seperti versi desktop ESS Travel
Aden Baihaqi
12:03 PM BBG Feature #70 (QA Test): API Mobile Medical
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Medical seperti versi desktop ESS Medical
Aden Baihaqi
12:03 PM BBG Feature #69 (QA Test): API Mobile Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Loan seperti versi desktop ESS Loan
Aden Baihaqi


02:23 PM BBG Feature #24 (Deploy): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Tinggal deploy client Aden Baihaqi
06:10 AM BBG Feature #17 (QA Test): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi
06:05 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Aden Baihaqi
06:05 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Aden Baihaqi
05:54 AM BBG Feature #14 (Deploy): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Deploy ke Client Aden Baihaqi
05:54 AM BBG Feature #14 (QA Test): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Aden Baihaqi
05:53 AM BBG Feature #14 (Developing): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Aden Baihaqi

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