Aden Baihaqi's activity
From 11/01/2020 to 11/30/2020
- 05:29 PM BBG Feature #15 (Deploy): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
- Deploy ke Client
- 05:27 PM BBG Feature #17 (Revise): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
- Terlampir hasil test
- 05:20 PM BBG Feature #24 (Revise): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
- Untuk perhitungan sudah sesuai. Tinggal Referensi Start Date dan End Date di TM To PY yang mengambil ke field ChangeD...
- 02:48 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Revise): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
- 1. Tidak punya kuota, pilih cuti tahunan, muncul validasi: DONE
2. Ada kuota tapi tidak berlaku, pilih cuti tahunan,... - 02:47 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (QA Test): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
- 02:47 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Developing): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
- 11:06 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Deploy): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
- Dear Dev,
Tolong di fixing validasi transaksi Absence di HR.
1. Jika Absence Type yg dipilih, QuotaDeduction=Y, m... - 10:54 AM PT ASABRI Feature #61 (QA Test): Resize Grid ORM Tree
- Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar lebar kolom Grid ORM Tree dibuat lebih lebar pada kolom Object Tree. Sehingga user... - 10:30 AM BBG Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
- 06:00 AM BBG Feature #15 (QA Test): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
- 06:00 AM BBG Feature #15 (Developing): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
- 06:00 AM BBG Feature #17 (QA Test): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
- 05:59 AM BBG Feature #17 (Developing): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
- 05:35 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Revise): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
- Tinggal button Create Ref aja. Klo di klik, tolong form di clear seperti Save & Create Ref. Kalo tdk di clear, pas se...
- 05:35 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
- 05:34 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Developing): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
- 05:23 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Deploy): ERP - Button Back Master Data
- Tinggal ganti label jadi Back. Trus deploy Cloud. Email package dan tempat update nya dmn.
Tks - 05:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (QA Test): ERP - Button Back Master Data
- 05:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Developing): ERP - Button Back Master Data
- 05:48 PM BBG Feature #22 (Deploy): ESS - Sharing Approval
- 05:47 PM BBG Feature #22 (QA Test): ESS - Sharing Approval
- 05:47 PM BBG Feature #22 (Developing): ESS - Sharing Approval
- 05:05 PM BBG Feature #26 (Deploy): HR - Bugs Loan
- Sisa Load Balancenya yg belum. Tapi Minor dan gak jadi stopper.
- 04:37 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59: PMS Goal HR dan ESS
- Utk Form HR Goal sudah bisa save.
Utk Form ESS Goal tinggal KPI nya masih ada backend yg kurang jadi gak muncul kata...
- 12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
- 12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (Deploy): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
- 12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (QA Test): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
- 12:22 PM BBG Feature #21 (Developing): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
- 11:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59 (QA Test): PMS Goal HR dan ESS
- Dear Dev,
Tolong samakan semua fungsi/ backend jika ada yg terkait proses save PMS HR dari ASABRI dan yg terkait E... - 11:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #58 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Validasi Upload Jurnal
- Dear Dev,
Tolong saat fungsi upload jurnal untuk memastikan beberapa point berikut:
-Validasi Upload Jurnal (ID A... - 10:13 AM MALAKA Feature #52 (Closed): Load Material dan PR ref SO
- 10:11 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Closed): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
- 10:10 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Deploy): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
- 09:46 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
- 09:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
- 09:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Developing): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
- 09:19 AM BBG Feature #38: MOBILE - Mobile Loan
- Terlampir
- 05:45 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
- 05:45 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
- 04:53 PM BBG Feature #55 (Closed): Enhancement - Service Finger
- Dear Dev,
Tolong lanjutkan pembuatan service finger BBG dari Maskin
- 09:05 PM BBG Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
- 09:04 PM BBG Bug #35 (Deploy): HR - Payroll Result Error
- Done Ya De,
Tks - 11:27 AM MALAKA Feature #52 (Closed): Load Material dan PR ref SO
- Dear Alip,
Terlampir sisa catatan terkait ref dokumen:
-Fungsi Load SO Material, Unit belum otomatis
-Ref PR k...
- 03:59 PM BBG Feature #24: HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
- Figure:
- 05:17 PM MALAKA Feature #40 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Update Fitur Upload Jurnal
- Dear Dev,
Tolong tambahkan fitur upload Jurnal dan Balance di Malaka
Tks - 05:12 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10: ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
- Nama Field:
TotalCredit & TotalDebet - 10:36 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
- Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan fungsi saat save Total Debit dan Credit di Item, tersimpan di Header.
Tks - 05:07 PM BBG Feature #39 (Closed): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
- Dear Alip,
Sisa task yg lg developing tolong di selesaikan:
-Fungsi delegate hanya menampilkan peers dan atasan l... - 05:00 PM BBG Feature #38 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Loan
- Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Loan seperti ESS Loan Desk... - 04:59 PM BBG Feature #37 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Travel
- Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Travel seperti ESS Travel ... - 04:59 PM BBG Feature #36 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Medical
- Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Medical seperti ESS Medica... - 04:57 PM BBG Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
- Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing report payroll result BBG di CLient yg error saat di view
Tks - 04:56 PM BBG Feature #34 (Closed): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan menu/fitur baru untuk Delete Request ID seperti eksisting BBG
Tks - 12:47 PM BBG Feature #27 (Closed): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan report absence recap seperti desain terlampir.
Tks - 12:42 PM BBG Feature #26 (Closed): HR - Bugs Loan
- Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing Loan HR:
- Loan HR NAN amountnya.
- Muncul tabel balance padahal blm simulate di HR
- S... - 11:17 AM BBG Feature #25 (Closed): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
- Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan Menu view payslip setelah running & Simulate seperti eksisting
- 11:08 AM BBG Feature #24 (Closed): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
- Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar payroll bisa menghitung data lintas tahun (Case Desember ke Januari)
Tks - 10:58 AM BBG Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi Sharing Approval seperti ESS Eksisting
Tks - 10:57 AM BBG Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
- Dear Dev,
Tolong di perbaiki agar Auth Type LDAP terisi otomatis saat Load LDAP ID
Tks - 10:57 AM BBG Feature #20 (Closed): HR - OM Recap Future
- Dear Dev,
Tolong cek logic OM Recap untuk tgl future di BBG belum berfungsi. Contek ke MEGA
Tks - 10:51 AM BBG Feature #17 (Closed): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan Fungsi Retro dan Correction di ESS OT, Travel, Medical
Bandingkan tanggal pada... - 10:45 AM BBG Feature #15 (Closed): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
- Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan Validasi Task terakhir sebelum masuk ke DB agar tidak error saat payroll start
Tks - 10:44 AM BBG Feature #14 (Closed): HR - New Tab List Inbox
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi agar list inbox dan sejenisnya bisa buka new tab agar form sebelumnya tidak hilang... - 10:39 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Closed): ERP - Button Back Master Data
- Dear Dev,
Tolong tambahkan button back ke form pencarian agar tampil dan berfungsi di semua Master Data ERP
Tks - 10:38 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
- Dear Dev,
Tolong Tambah Button Create Ref di form transaksi dan saat display data sesuai diskusi
Tks - 10:32 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #9 (Closed): API Jurnal dan Data Customer
- Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan 2 API berikut:
1. Mapping API Jurnal Cerol (Menunggu konfirmasi final di IT LPPOM utk... - 10:30 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #8 (Assigned): HR - Mail Reminder Absen
- Dear Dev,
Mohon di revisi agar penerima email reminder absensi adalah karyawan dan atasan dari karyawan tsb.
Serv... - 10:28 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #7 (Assigned): HR - Email Notif Recruitment
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi email notif di Modul Recruitment atas aktivitas recruitment seperti di BWS.
Tks - 10:27 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Closed): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
- Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan Instance Prod LPPOM
Tks - 10:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #5 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Jurnal HR to ACC
- Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan di LPPOM Fitur Jurnal HR to ACC seperti yg sudah dibuatkan di Product
Tks - 10:21 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
- Dear Dev,
Mohon dibuatkan agar saat closing, jurnal profit otomatis terbentuk sesuai diskusi dengan Jesika.
Tks - 10:16 AM LPPOM HALAL Bug #3 (Closed): MOBILE - IOS Version Tidak sama dengan Android
- Dear Dev,
Tolong di fixing 2 case utama di IOS:
1. View Payslip muter-muter
2. Validasi pada beberapa fitur tida...
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