


Aden Baihaqi's activity

From 11/01/2020 to 11/30/2020


05:29 PM BBG Feature #15 (Deploy): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Deploy ke Client Aden Baihaqi
05:27 PM BBG Feature #17 (Revise): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Terlampir hasil test Aden Baihaqi
05:20 PM BBG Feature #24 (Revise): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Untuk perhitungan sudah sesuai. Tinggal Referensi Start Date dan End Date di TM To PY yang mengambil ke field ChangeD... Aden Baihaqi
02:48 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Revise): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
1. Tidak punya kuota, pilih cuti tahunan, muncul validasi: DONE
2. Ada kuota tapi tidak berlaku, pilih cuti tahunan,...
Aden Baihaqi
02:47 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (QA Test): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
Aden Baihaqi
02:47 PM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Developing): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
Aden Baihaqi


11:06 AM BANK WOORI SAUDARA Bug #62 (Deploy): HR - Validasi Quota Taken Absence HR
Dear Dev,
Tolong di fixing validasi transaksi Absence di HR.
1. Jika Absence Type yg dipilih, QuotaDeduction=Y, m...
Aden Baihaqi
10:54 AM PT ASABRI Feature #61 (QA Test): Resize Grid ORM Tree
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar lebar kolom Grid ORM Tree dibuat lebih lebar pada kolom Object Tree. Sehingga user...
Aden Baihaqi
10:30 AM BBG Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM BBG Feature #15 (QA Test): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM BBG Feature #15 (Developing): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM BBG Feature #17 (QA Test): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi
05:59 AM BBG Feature #17 (Developing): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi
05:35 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Revise): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Tinggal button Create Ref aja. Klo di klik, tolong form di clear seperti Save & Create Ref. Kalo tdk di clear, pas se... Aden Baihaqi
05:35 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Aden Baihaqi
05:34 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Developing): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Aden Baihaqi
05:23 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Deploy): ERP - Button Back Master Data
Tinggal ganti label jadi Back. Trus deploy Cloud. Email package dan tempat update nya dmn.
Aden Baihaqi
05:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (QA Test): ERP - Button Back Master Data
Aden Baihaqi
05:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Developing): ERP - Button Back Master Data
Aden Baihaqi


05:48 PM BBG Feature #22 (Deploy): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:47 PM BBG Feature #22 (QA Test): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:47 PM BBG Feature #22 (Developing): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:05 PM BBG Feature #26 (Deploy): HR - Bugs Loan
Sisa Load Balancenya yg belum. Tapi Minor dan gak jadi stopper. Aden Baihaqi
04:37 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59: PMS Goal HR dan ESS
Utk Form HR Goal sudah bisa save.
Utk Form ESS Goal tinggal KPI nya masih ada backend yg kurang jadi gak muncul kata...
Aden Baihaqi


12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (Deploy): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:23 PM BBG Feature #21 (QA Test): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:22 PM BBG Feature #21 (Developing): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
11:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #59 (QA Test): PMS Goal HR dan ESS
Dear Dev,
Tolong samakan semua fungsi/ backend jika ada yg terkait proses save PMS HR dari ASABRI dan yg terkait E...
Aden Baihaqi
11:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #58 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Validasi Upload Jurnal
Dear Dev,
Tolong saat fungsi upload jurnal untuk memastikan beberapa point berikut:
-Validasi Upload Jurnal (ID A...
Aden Baihaqi
10:13 AM MALAKA Feature #52 (Closed): Load Material dan PR ref SO
Aden Baihaqi
10:11 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Closed): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
Aden Baihaqi
10:10 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Deploy): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
Aden Baihaqi
09:46 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Aden Baihaqi
09:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Aden Baihaqi
09:45 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Developing): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Aden Baihaqi
09:19 AM BBG Feature #38: MOBILE - Mobile Loan
Terlampir Aden Baihaqi


05:45 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
Aden Baihaqi
05:45 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Deploy): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
Aden Baihaqi
04:53 PM BBG Feature #55 (Closed): Enhancement - Service Finger
Dear Dev,
Tolong lanjutkan pembuatan service finger BBG dari Maskin
Aden Baihaqi


09:05 PM BBG Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
Aden Baihaqi
09:04 PM BBG Bug #35 (Deploy): HR - Payroll Result Error
Done Ya De,
Aden Baihaqi
11:27 AM MALAKA Feature #52 (Closed): Load Material dan PR ref SO
Dear Alip,
Terlampir sisa catatan terkait ref dokumen:
-Fungsi Load SO Material, Unit belum otomatis
-Ref PR k...
Aden Baihaqi


03:59 PM BBG Feature #24: HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Aden Baihaqi


05:17 PM MALAKA Feature #40 (QA Test): ACCOUNTING - Update Fitur Upload Jurnal
Dear Dev,
Tolong tambahkan fitur upload Jurnal dan Balance di Malaka
Aden Baihaqi
05:12 PM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10: ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Nama Field:
TotalCredit & TotalDebet
Aden Baihaqi
10:36 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #10 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Fungsi Save Item ke Header
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan fungsi saat save Total Debit dan Credit di Item, tersimpan di Header.
Aden Baihaqi
05:07 PM BBG Feature #39 (Closed): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Dear Alip,
Sisa task yg lg developing tolong di selesaikan:
-Fungsi delegate hanya menampilkan peers dan atasan l...
Aden Baihaqi
05:00 PM BBG Feature #38 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Loan seperti ESS Loan Desk...
Aden Baihaqi
04:59 PM BBG Feature #37 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Travel
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Travel seperti ESS Travel ...
Aden Baihaqi
04:59 PM BBG Feature #36 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Medical
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Medical seperti ESS Medica...
Aden Baihaqi
04:57 PM BBG Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing report payroll result BBG di CLient yg error saat di view
Aden Baihaqi
04:56 PM BBG Feature #34 (Closed): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan menu/fitur baru untuk Delete Request ID seperti eksisting BBG
Aden Baihaqi
12:47 PM BBG Feature #27 (Closed): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan report absence recap seperti desain terlampir.
Aden Baihaqi
12:42 PM BBG Feature #26 (Closed): HR - Bugs Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing Loan HR:
- Loan HR NAN amountnya.
- Muncul tabel balance padahal blm simulate di HR
- S...
Aden Baihaqi
11:17 AM BBG Feature #25 (Closed): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan Menu view payslip setelah running & Simulate seperti eksisting
Aden Baihaqi
11:08 AM BBG Feature #24 (Closed): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar payroll bisa menghitung data lintas tahun (Case Desember ke Januari)
Aden Baihaqi
10:58 AM BBG Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi Sharing Approval seperti ESS Eksisting
Aden Baihaqi
10:57 AM BBG Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Dear Dev,
Tolong di perbaiki agar Auth Type LDAP terisi otomatis saat Load LDAP ID
Aden Baihaqi
10:57 AM BBG Feature #20 (Closed): HR - OM Recap Future
Dear Dev,
Tolong cek logic OM Recap untuk tgl future di BBG belum berfungsi. Contek ke MEGA
Aden Baihaqi
10:51 AM BBG Feature #17 (Closed): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan Fungsi Retro dan Correction di ESS OT, Travel, Medical
Bandingkan tanggal pada...
Aden Baihaqi
10:45 AM BBG Feature #15 (Closed): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan Validasi Task terakhir sebelum masuk ke DB agar tidak error saat payroll start
Aden Baihaqi
10:44 AM BBG Feature #14 (Closed): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi agar list inbox dan sejenisnya bisa buka new tab agar form sebelumnya tidak hilang...
Aden Baihaqi
10:39 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #13 (Closed): ERP - Button Back Master Data
Dear Dev,
Tolong tambahkan button back ke form pencarian agar tampil dan berfungsi di semua Master Data ERP
Aden Baihaqi
10:38 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #11 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Tambah Button Create Ref
Dear Dev,
Tolong Tambah Button Create Ref di form transaksi dan saat display data sesuai diskusi
Aden Baihaqi
10:32 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #9 (Closed): API Jurnal dan Data Customer
Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan 2 API berikut:
1. Mapping API Jurnal Cerol (Menunggu konfirmasi final di IT LPPOM utk...
Aden Baihaqi
10:30 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #8 (Assigned): HR - Mail Reminder Absen
Dear Dev,
Mohon di revisi agar penerima email reminder absensi adalah karyawan dan atasan dari karyawan tsb.
Aden Baihaqi
10:28 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #7 (Assigned): HR - Email Notif Recruitment
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi email notif di Modul Recruitment atas aktivitas recruitment seperti di BWS.
Aden Baihaqi
10:27 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #6 (Closed): Create New Instance Prod LPPOM
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan Instance Prod LPPOM
Aden Baihaqi
10:22 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #5 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Jurnal HR to ACC
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan di LPPOM Fitur Jurnal HR to ACC seperti yg sudah dibuatkan di Product
Aden Baihaqi
10:21 AM LPPOM HALAL Feature #4 (Closed): ACCOUNTING - Auto Jurnal Profit
Dear Dev,
Mohon dibuatkan agar saat closing, jurnal profit otomatis terbentuk sesuai diskusi dengan Jesika.
Aden Baihaqi
10:16 AM LPPOM HALAL Bug #3 (Closed): MOBILE - IOS Version Tidak sama dengan Android
Dear Dev,
Tolong di fixing 2 case utama di IOS:
1. View Payslip muter-muter
2. Validasi pada beberapa fitur tida...
Aden Baihaqi

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